commit - /dev/null
commit + a95f0ac66a2e664a9a10cf0344f1e845340dfcb5
blob - /dev/null
blob + 7bcb33375e6cdccdd3220b06a00515c9c77d5b62 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ Main.html
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <script src="build/exec/Main.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ </body>
blob - /dev/null
blob + 1074d6df84092d77c3a70417fc29a24690743f57 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+To run:
+0. You will need idris2 installed with this change that makes List.length
+ tail-recursive:
+ As of 2022-01-17, it is not merged.
+1. Build the precompute executable:
+ idris2 --build s3d_precompute.ipkg
+2. Generate the S3D.Polyhedra.Precomputed module:
+ build/exec/s3d_precompute > src/S3D/Polyhedra/Precomputed.idr
+3. Build by running
+ idris2 --cg javascript --build s3d.ipkg
+4. Open Main.html in a web browser.
+To run the tests:
+ idris2 --build s3d_test.ipkg
+ build/exec/s3d_test
+The src directory is shared by all the *.ipkg files.
blob - /dev/null
blob + d2e9c1d7c5b6a9eb8babef3e4b1a4008871bbaac (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ s3d.ipkg
+package s3d
+sourcedir = "src"
+main = Main
+executable = "Main.js"
+depends = contrib, dom, sop
blob - /dev/null
blob + 24234b6b36188ad0b70d5ea615d0fa3504fdc881 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ s3d_precompute.ipkg
+package s3d_precompute
+sourcedir = "src"
+main = PrecomputeMain
+executable = "s3d_precompute"
+depends = contrib
blob - /dev/null
blob + 96f433a161d9e9a32a83a75c52a27407ddf1228d (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ s3d_test.ipkg
+package s3d_test
+sourcedir = "src"
+main = TestMain
+executable = "s3d_test"
+depends = contrib
blob - /dev/null
blob + 9396d24407598ea785748a69100529d2db3ce02c (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Control/Order/Fold.idr
+module Control.Order.Fold
+import Data.Order.Reversed
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.Vect
+%default total
+minimum' : Ord a => a -> List a -> a
+minimum' x [] = x
+minimum' x (y :: t) = minimum' (if y < x then y else x) t
+minimum : Ord a => List a -> Maybe a
+minimum [] = Nothing
+minimum (h :: t) = Just $ minimum' h t
+maximum : Ord a => List a -> Maybe a
+maximum l =
+ do MkReversed x <- minimum $ map MkReversed l
+ pure x
+maxAndIndex : Ord a => Vect (S n) a -> (a, Fin (S n))
+maxAndIndex [x] = (x, 0)
+maxAndIndex (x :: xs @ (_ :: _)) =
+ let (maxRest, indexRest) = maxAndIndex xs
+ in
+ if x >= maxRest
+ then (x, 0)
+ else (maxRest, FS indexRest)
+argmax : Ord a => Vect (S n) a -> Fin (S n)
+argmax = snd . maxAndIndex
blob - /dev/null
blob + 1115c327c3c3f909f98fc04b23645690c685bb2c (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Data/DefaultMap.idr
+A map with a default value. A key not having a value is the same as a key
+having the default value.
+module Data.DefaultMap
+import Data.List
+import Data.SortedMap
+import Decidable.Equality
+%default total
+data AnythingBut : {t : Type} -> t -> Type where
+ MkAnythingBut : (value : t) ->
+ {0 notForbidden : Not (value = forbidden)} ->
+ AnythingBut forbidden
+Eq t => (forbidden : t) => Eq (AnythingBut {t} forbidden) where
+ MkAnythingBut v0 == MkAnythingBut v1 = v0 == v1
+Show t => Show (AnythingBut {t} x) where
+ show (MkAnythingBut value) = show value
+maybeAnythingBut : DecEq a => (forbidden : a) -> a -> Maybe (AnythingBut forbidden)
+maybeAnythingBut forbidden x = case decEq x forbidden of
+ Yes _ => Nothing
+ No p => Just (MkAnythingBut x {notForbidden=p})
+data DefaultMap : (key : Type) -> (value : Type) -> (defaultValue : v) -> Type where
+ MkDefaultMap : SortedMap key (AnythingBut {t=value} defaultValue)
+ -> DefaultMap key value defaultValue
+Eq key => Eq value => (defaultValue : value) => Eq (DefaultMap key value defaultValue) where
+ MkDefaultMap m0 == MkDefaultMap m1 = m0 == m1
+Show key => Show value => (defaultValue : value) => Show (DefaultMap key value defaultValue) where
+ show (MkDefaultMap m) = show m
+empty : Ord k => {0 defaultValue : v} -> DefaultMap k v defaultValue
+empty = MkDefaultMap empty
+||| Returns the (key, value) pairs where `value` is not `d`.
+toList : DefaultMap k v d -> List (k, v)
+toList (MkDefaultMap m) =
+ [(k, value) | (k, MkAnythingBut value) <- Data.SortedMap.toList m]
+fromList : Ord k => DecEq v => {d: v} -> List (k, v) -> DefaultMap k v d
+fromList l = MkDefaultMap $ fromList $ catMaybes $ map (\(x, y) => map (MkPair x) (maybeAnythingBut _ y)) l
+lookup : {defaultValue : v} -> k -> DefaultMap k v defaultValue -> v
+lookup x (MkDefaultMap m) =
+ case Data.SortedMap.lookup x m of
+ Nothing => defaultValue
+ Just (MkAnythingBut y) => y
+change : DecEq v =>
+ {defaultValue : v} ->
+ k -> v -> DefaultMap k v defaultValue ->
+ DefaultMap k v defaultValue
+change k v (MkDefaultMap m) =
+ case decEq v defaultValue of
+ Yes _ => MkDefaultMap (delete k m)
+ No p => MkDefaultMap (insert k (MkAnythingBut v {notForbidden=p}) m)
+addToValue : Semigroup v => DecEq v =>
+ {d : v} ->
+ k -> v -> DefaultMap k v d -> DefaultMap k v d
+addToValue x y m = change x (y <+> lookup x m) m
+||| Returns the least key with a nondefault value, and that value.
+leftMost : DefaultMap k v d -> Maybe (k, v)
+leftMost (MkDefaultMap m) =
+ map (\(x, MkAnythingBut y) => (x, y)) (leftMost m)
+Monoid v => DecEq v => (d : v) => (d = Prelude.Interfaces.neutral) => Semigroup (DefaultMap k v d) where
+ x <+> (MkDefaultMap y) =
+ foldl
+ (\ acc, (k, MkAnythingBut v) => addToValue k v acc)
+ x
+ (Data.SortedMap.toList y)
+Ord k => Monoid v => DecEq v => (d : v) => (d = Prelude.Interfaces.neutral) => Monoid (DefaultMap k v d) where
+ neutral = empty
blob - /dev/null
blob + ff698e6e304920895663fc698f14e9f0f42c6240 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Data/Linear/SizedArray/Prim.idr
+-- Backend for Data.Linear.SizedArray. The main goal is to make things fast by
+-- avoiding overhead, e.g. converting numeric types.
+-- Caveats:
+-- * Does no bounds checking.
+-- * Doesn't bother converting numeric types, so may break if numbers are too big.
+-- * Breaks referential transparency: an ArrayData value might change; results
+-- may be different depending on when the compiler chooses to evaluate them.
+module Data.Linear.SizedArray.Prim
+import Data.Fin
+%default total
+data ArrayData : Type where
+ "javascript:lambda:(size) => Array(size)"
+ "scheme:make-vector"
+prim__newArray : Nat -> ArrayData
+ "javascript:lambda:(_0, _1, array, i) => array[i]"
+ "scheme:(lambda (_0 _1 array i) (vector-ref array i))"
+prim__read : ArrayData -> Fin n -> t
+-- The input is modified.
+ "javascript:lambda:(_0, _1, array, i, x) => { array[i] = x; return array; }"
+ "scheme:(lambda (_0 _1 array i x) (vector-set! array i x) array)"
+prim__write : ArrayData -> Fin n -> t -> ArrayData
blob - /dev/null
blob + 0c3884c73f88280d67dd12a304fe4d14363c371f (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Data/Linear/SizedArray.idr
+-- Linear arrays with size determined by the type.
+-- For linear types, using an idea from
+module Data.Linear.SizedArray
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.Linear.SizedArray.Prim
+import Data.Vect
+%default total
+data SizedIArray : Nat -> Type -> Type where
+ MkSizedIArray : ArrayData -> SizedIArray n t
+read : SizedIArray n t -> Fin n -> t
+read (MkSizedIArray arrayData) i = prim__read arrayData i
+data SizedLinArray : Nat -> Type -> Type where
+ MkSizedLinArray : ArrayData -> SizedLinArray n t
+public export
+LinearResult : Type -> Type
+LinearResult t = {a : Type} -> (1 _ : (1 _ : t) -> Res a (const t)) -> a
+consume : (1 _ : a) -> b -> b
+consume x y = assert_linear (const y) x
+resFst : (1 _ : Res a (const (SizedLinArray n t))) -> a
+resFst (x # array) = consume array x
+newSizedArray : {n : Nat} -> LinearResult (SizedLinArray n t)
+newSizedArray f = resFst $ f $ MkSizedLinArray $ prim__newArray n
+newSizedArrayFreeze : {n : Nat} -> (1 _ : SizedLinArray n t -> SizedLinArray n t) ->
+ SizedIArray n t
+newSizedArrayFreeze {n} f =
+ let MkSizedLinArray arrayData = f $ MkSizedLinArray $ prim__newArray n in
+ MkSizedIArray arrayData
+mread : (1 _ : SizedLinArray n t) -> Fin n -> Res t (const (SizedLinArray n t))
+mread =
+ assert_linear $
+ \array@(MkSizedLinArray arrayData), i =>
+ let value : t
+ value = prim__read arrayData i
+ in value # array
+write : (1 _ : SizedLinArray n t) -> Fin n -> t -> SizedLinArray n t
+write (MkSizedLinArray array) i x = MkSizedLinArray $ prim__write array i x
+fillFromVect : {n : Nat} -> Vect n t -> (1 _ : SizedLinArray n t) -> SizedLinArray n t
+fillFromVect vect array =
+ let writeElements : (1 array : SizedLinArray n t) -> List (Fin n, t) -> SizedLinArray n t
+ writeElements array [] = array
+ writeElements array ((hi, hx) :: t) =
+ writeElements (write array hi hx) t
+ in writeElements array $ toList $ zip range vect
+fromVect : {n : Nat} -> Vect n t -> LinearResult (SizedLinArray n t)
+fromVect vect f = newSizedArray $ \array => f (fillFromVect vect array)
+namespace IArray
+ export
+ fromVect : {n : Nat} -> Vect n t -> SizedIArray n t
+ fromVect vect = newSizedArrayFreeze (\array => fillFromVect vect array)
+||| This should be safe as long as the resulting value of type `a` doesn't keep
+||| a reference to the input.
+unsafeFreeze : (1 _ : SizedLinArray n t) -> (SizedIArray n t -> a) -> Res a (const (SizedLinArray n t))
+unsafeFreeze =
+ assert_linear $
+ \array@(MkSizedLinArray arrayData), f =>
+ f (MkSizedIArray arrayData) # array
blob - /dev/null
blob + 40142e74adc7f6aebb82c76e921e233503c00710 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Data/Order/Reversed.idr
+module Data.Order.Reversed
+%default total
+public export
+data Reversed a = MkReversed a
+public export
+Eq a => Eq (Reversed a) where
+ MkReversed x == MkReversed y = x == y
+Ord a => Ord (Reversed a) where
+ compare (MkReversed x) (MkReversed y) =
+ case compare x y of
+ LT => GT
+ EQ => EQ
+ GT => LT
blob - /dev/null
blob + f7f80dc46b1d2d5ef549bf751427292b6c2be85f (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Main.idr
+module Main
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Vect
+import JS
+import S3D.AnimationFrame
+import S3D.ArrayBuffer
+import S3D.Draw
+import S3D.Figure
+import S3D.GLProgram
+import S3D.GLProgram.ColourTexture
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import S3D.Drawable
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Obstacles
+import S3D.PhysicalObject
+import S3D.PhysicalState
+import S3D.Scenes.House
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.WebUI
+import System.Clock
+import Web.Dom
+import Web.Html
+import Web.Raw.Html
+import Web.Raw.Webgl
+%default total
+-- Everything the main loop needs to operate.
+record Context where
+ constructor MkContext
+ ui : UIContext
+ drawables : List Drawable
+ obstacles : Obstacles
+-- The compiler seems to have trouble if I just directly say makeProgram.
+makeColourTextureProgram : WebGL2RenderingContext -> JSIO S3D.GLProgram.ColourTexture.Program
+makeColourTextureProgram = makeProgram
+makeSimpleColourProgram : WebGL2RenderingContext -> JSIO S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Program
+makeSimpleColourProgram = makeProgram
+theTexturePixels : List Bits8
+theTexturePixels =
+ concat
+ [ (if mod u 2 == mod v 2 then [255, 255, 255, 255] else [128, 128, 128, 255])
+ | u <- [0 .. 7]
+ , v <- [0 .. 7]
+ ]
+makeTheTexture : WebGL2RenderingContext -> Bits32 -> JSIO ()
+makeTheTexture gl textureUnit =
+ do texture <- unMaybe "createTexture" $ createTexture gl
+ activeTexture gl textureUnit
+ bindTexture gl TEXTURE_2D (Just texture)
+ texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_WRAP_S (cast CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
+ texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D TEXTURE_WRAP_T (cast CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
+ pixels <- makeUInt8Array !(fromListIO theTexturePixels)
+ let detailLevel = 0
+ let internalFormat = RGBA
+ let sourceFormat = RGBA
+ let imageDataType = UNSIGNED_BYTE
+ let border = 0
+ texImage2D gl TEXTURE_2D detailLevel (cast internalFormat)
+ 8 8 border sourceFormat imageDataType
+ (Just (S (S (S (Z pixels)))))
+swapXZ : Matrix 4 4 Double
+swapXZ =
+ [ [0, 0, 1, 0]
+ , [0, 1, 0, 0]
+ , [1, 0, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0, 0, 1]
+ ]
+mainLoop : Context -> PhysicalState -> Clock Monotonic -> JSIO ()
+mainLoop context physicalState time =
+ do let gl =
+ (physicalState', viewMatrix) <-
+ stepState context.obstacles time context.ui.state physicalState
+ drawUniverse gl viewMatrix context.drawables
+ requestAnimationFrame (runJS . mainLoop context physicalState')
+mainAfterLoad : JSIO ()
+mainAfterLoad =
+ do ui <- S3D.WebUI.init
+ let gl =
+ enable gl DEPTH_TEST
+ colourTextureProgram <- makeColourTextureProgram gl
+ simpleColourProgram <- makeSimpleColourProgram gl
+ scene <- theHouse
+ drawables <- compileFigure gl colourTextureProgram simpleColourProgram
+ scene.figure
+ makeTheTexture gl TEXTURE0
+ useProgram gl (Just colourTextureProgram.program)
+ uniform1i gl (Just colourTextureProgram.textureLocation) 0
+ let context =
+ MkContext
+ { ui = ui
+ , drawables = drawables
+ , obstacles = scene.obstacles
+ }
+ requestAnimationFrame (runJS . mainLoop context initialState)
+main : IO ()
+main = runJS $
+ do Web.Raw.Html.GlobalEventHandlers.onload !window ?> mainAfterLoad
blob - /dev/null
blob + d1c3c542b63ed2053d487da3cf1536dd77407c8b (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Math/LinearAlgebra/Normalized.idr
+module Math.LinearAlgebra.Normalized
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+%default total
+data Normalized vector = MkNormalized vector
+||| Normalize a vector.
+makeNormalized : DotProduct vector Double => vector -> Normalized vector
+makeNormalized v = MkNormalized (normalize v)
+||| Convert to the original vector type.
+fromNormalized : Normalized vector -> vector
+fromNormalized (MkNormalized x) = x
+Show vector => Show (Normalized vector) where
+ show = show . fromNormalized
blob - /dev/null
blob + e22e65dad2127790b99581c5c31f3b5e551f733d (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Math/LinearAlgebra/RotateAxes.idr
+module Math.LinearAlgebra.RotateAxes
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+%default total
+basisVector : Num coord => {n : Nat} -> (i : Fin n) -> Vector n coord
+basisVector {n = S n'} i = vectToVector (insertAt i 1 (replicate n' 0))
+-- Helper for rotateAxes.
+rotateAxesRow : (Neg coord, Num coord) => {n : Nat} -> (a : Fin n) -> (b : Fin n) -> (r : Fin n) -> Vector n coord
+rotateAxesRow a b r =
+ if r == a
+ then basisVector b
+ else if r == b
+ then negateVector (basisVector a)
+ else basisVector r
+||| Rotate a quarter circle, changing the first axis to the second.
+rotateAxes : (Neg coord, Num coord) => {n : Nat} -> (a : Fin n) -> (b : Fin n) -> Matrix n n coord
+rotateAxes {n = n@(S n')} a b =
+ vectorsToMatrix (map (rotateAxesRow a b) range)
blob - /dev/null
blob + 11fa42c9737ae09735607926fbeb1bd4db37e0a7 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Math/LinearAlgebra.idr
+Operator names (!*! etc) are based on the "linear" package for Haskell.
+module Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Control.Order.Fold
+import Data.Vect
+%default total
+infixl 8 ^+^
+infixl 8 ^-^
+infixl 8 !+!
+infixl 9 ^*!
+infixl 9 !*^
+infixl 9 !*!
+infix 9 *^
+infix 9 *!
+infix 9 ^/
+infix 9 ^.^
+paritySign : (Neg a, Num a) => Fin n -> a
+paritySign FZ = 1
+paritySign (FS x) = - paritySign x
+namespace Vector
+ ||| Vector spaces. More accurately, modules, since `coord` might be a ring
+ ||| and not a field: we don't require `Fractional coord`.
+ public export
+ interface Neg coord => VectorSpace vector coord | vector where
+ negateVector : vector -> vector
+ ||| Vector sum
+ (^+^) : vector -> vector -> vector
+ ||| Vector difference
+ (^-^) : vector -> vector -> vector
+ ||| Scalar times vector
+ (*^) : coord -> vector -> vector
+ ||| Vector divided by scalar
+ export
+ (^/) : Fractional coord => Neg coord => VectorSpace vector coord => vector -> coord -> vector
+ v ^/ x = (1 / x) *^ v
+ public export
+ interface VectorSpace vector coord => DotProduct vector coord | vector where
+ (^.^) : vector -> vector -> coord
+ export
+ Neg coord => VectorSpace (Vect n coord) coord where
+ negateVector = map negate
+ (^+^) = zipWith (+)
+ (^-^) = zipWith (-)
+ (*^) x = map (x *)
+ export
+ Neg coord => DotProduct (Vect n coord) coord where
+ x ^.^ y = sum (zipWith (*) x y)
+ export
+ norm : DotProduct vector Double => vector -> Double
+ norm v = sqrt (v ^.^ v)
+ export
+ normalize : DotProduct vector Double => vector -> vector
+ normalize v = v ^/ norm v
+ ||| Deprecated explicit vector type.
+ export
+ data Vector : Nat -> Type -> Type where
+ MkVector : Vect n a -> Vector n a
+ export
+ Functor (Vector n) where
+ map f (MkVector v) = MkVector (map f v)
+ export
+ vectToVector : Vect n a -> Vector n a
+ vectToVector = MkVector
+ export
+ vectorToVect : Vector n a -> Vect n a
+ vectorToVect (MkVector v) = v
+ export
+ Nil : Vector Z a
+ Nil = MkVector Nil
+ export
+ (::) : a -> Vector n a -> Vector (S n) a
+ x :: MkVector xs = MkVector (x :: xs)
+ export
+ Show coord => Show (Vector n coord) where
+ show = show . vectorToVect
+ export
+ Neg coord => VectorSpace (Vector n coord) coord where
+ negateVector (MkVector v) = MkVector (negateVector v)
+ MkVector u ^+^ MkVector v = MkVector ((^+^) u v)
+ MkVector u ^-^ MkVector v = MkVector ((^-^) u v)
+ x *^ MkVector v = MkVector ((*^) x v)
+ export
+ Neg coord => DotProduct (Vector n coord) coord where
+ MkVector u ^.^ MkVector v = u ^.^ v
+ export
+ sumVectorsFrom : VectorSpace vector coord => vector -> List vector -> vector
+ sumVectorsFrom acc Nil = acc
+ sumVectorsFrom acc (h :: t) = sumVectorsFrom (acc ^+^ h) t
+namespace Matrix
+ export
+ data Matrix : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
+ MkMatrix : Vect numRows (Vector numCols a) -> Matrix numRows numCols a
+ export
+ Functor (Matrix a b) where
+ map f (MkMatrix m) = MkMatrix (map (map f) m)
+ export
+ Show a => Show (Matrix r c a) where
+ show (MkMatrix m) = show m
+ export
+ vectorsToMatrix : Vect numRows (Vector numCols coord) -> Matrix numRows numCols coord
+ vectorsToMatrix = MkMatrix
+ export
+ vectsToMatrix : Vect numRows (Vect numCols coord) -> Matrix numRows numCols coord
+ vectsToMatrix = MkMatrix . map vectToVector
+ export
+ matrixToVectors : Matrix numRows numCols coord -> Vect numRows (Vector numCols coord)
+ matrixToVectors (MkMatrix v) = v
+ export
+ matrixToVects : Matrix numRows numCols coord -> Vect numRows (Vect numCols coord)
+ matrixToVects (MkMatrix v) = map vectorToVect v
+ export
+ Nil : Matrix Z n a
+ Nil = MkMatrix Nil
+ export
+ (::) : Vector n a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix (S m) n a
+ x :: MkMatrix xs = MkMatrix (x :: xs)
+ export
+ negateMatrix : Neg coord => Matrix a b coord -> Matrix a b coord
+ negateMatrix = vectorsToMatrix . map negateVector . matrixToVectors
+ diagonalVects : Num coord => {n : Nat} -> Vect n coord -> Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ diagonalVects Nil = Nil
+ diagonalVects {n = S n'} (x :: xs) =
+ (x :: replicate n' 0)
+ ::
+ (map (0 ::) (diagonalVects xs))
+ export
+ diagonalMatrix : Num coord => {n : Nat} -> Vect n coord -> Matrix n n coord
+ diagonalMatrix = vectsToMatrix . diagonalVects
+ export
+ identityMatrix : Num a => (n : Nat) -> Matrix n n a
+ identityMatrix n = diagonalMatrix (replicate n 1)
+ export
+ transpose : {b : Nat} -> Matrix a b coord -> Matrix b a coord
+ transpose =
+ vectsToMatrix .
+ Data.Vect.transpose .
+ matrixToVects
+ -- Scalar times matrix
+ export
+ (*!) : Num coord => coord -> Matrix a b coord -> Matrix a b coord
+ x *! m = map (x *) m
+ -- Matrix sum
+ export
+ (!+!) : Neg coord => Matrix a b coord -> Matrix a b coord -> Matrix a b coord
+ MkMatrix x !+! MkMatrix y = MkMatrix $ zipWith (^+^) x y
+ -- Matrix product
+ export
+ (!*!) : Neg coord => {c : Nat} -> Matrix a b coord -> Matrix b c coord -> Matrix a c coord
+ (!*!) (MkMatrix x) y =
+ let MkMatrix y' := transpose y in
+ MkMatrix $
+ map
+ (\xRow => vectToVector (map (xRow ^.^) y'))
+ x
+ -- This implementation is inefficient. More than O(n!) time.
+ export
+ determinant : (Neg coord, Num coord) => {n : Nat} -> Matrix n n coord -> coord
+ determinant (MkMatrix Nil) = 1
+ determinant (MkMatrix (v :: vs)) =
+ sum $
+ zipWith
+ ( \i, vi =>
+ paritySign i * vi * determinant (MkMatrix (map (vectToVector . deleteAt i . vectorToVect) vs))
+ )
+ range
+ (vectorToVect v)
+ swapRows : Fin n -> Fin n -> Vect n a -> Vect n a
+ swapRows FZ FZ v = v
+ swapRows (FS i) (FS j) (h :: t) = h :: swapRows i j t
+ swapRows FZ (FS j) (h :: t) = index j t :: replaceAt j h t
+ swapRows (FS i) FZ (h :: t) = index i t :: replaceAt i h t
+ subtractRowsBelow : Neg coord =>
+ {m : Nat} -> (n : Nat) -> Vect m coord ->
+ Vect (n + S m) (Vect k coord) ->
+ Vect (n + S m) (Vect k coord)
+ subtractRowsBelow n subtractionCoefficients matrix =
+ case splitAt {m = S m} n matrix of
+ (above, rowToSubtract :: below) =>
+ above ++
+ ( rowToSubtract ::
+ ( [ row ^-^ (coefficient *^ rowToSubtract)
+ | (row, coefficient) <- zip below subtractionCoefficients
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ subtractRowsAbove : Neg coord =>
+ (n : Nat) -> Vect n coord ->
+ Vect (n + S m) (Vect k coord) ->
+ Vect (n + S m) (Vect k coord)
+ subtractRowsAbove n subtractionCoefficients matrix =
+ case splitAt {m = S m} n matrix of
+ (above, rowToSubtract :: below) =>
+ [ row ^-^ (coefficient *^ rowToSubtract)
+ | (row, coefficient) <- zip above subtractionCoefficients
+ ]
+ ++
+ rowToSubtract :: below
+ export
+ matrixInverse : Abs coord => Fractional coord => Neg coord => Ord coord =>
+ {n : Nat} -> Matrix n n coord -> Matrix n n coord
+ matrixInverse matrix =
+ let ||| Requires:
+ ||| * matrix * inverseSoFar = leftToInvert
+ ||| * leftToInvert is lower-triangular.
+ ||| * The diagonal of leftToInvert is all 1s.
+ ||| * The last n - numInverted columns of leftToInvert are the columns of
+ ||| the identity matrix.
+ |||
+ ||| Returns the inverse of matrix.
+ finishInvertingLT :
+ {auto 0 eq : n = n'} ->
+ (numLeft : Nat) -> (0 lte : numLeft `LTE` n') ->
+ (inverseSoFar : Vect n (Vect n coord)) ->
+ (leftToInvert : Vect n (Vect n coord)) ->
+ Matrix n n coord
+ finishInvertingLT Z _ inverseSoFar _ =
+ vectsToMatrix inverseSoFar
+ finishInvertingLT
+ numLeft@(S numLeft') lte@(LTESucc lte') inverseSoFar leftToInvert =
+ let 0 lteN : numLeft `LTE` n
+ lteN = rewrite eq in lte
+ workingIndex : Fin n
+ workingIndex = natToFinLT numLeft' {prf = lteN}
+ numInverted : Nat
+ numInverted = minus n numLeft
+ 0 leftPlusInvertedEqN : (numLeft + numInverted = n)
+ leftPlusInvertedEqN =
+ trans
+ (plusCommutative numLeft numInverted)
+ (plusMinusLte numLeft n lteN)
+ toSubtract : Vect numInverted coord
+ toSubtract =
+ map (index workingIndex) $
+ drop numLeft $
+ rewrite leftPlusInvertedEqN in leftToInvert
+ 0 predLeftPlusSuccInvertedEqN : (numLeft' + S numInverted = n)
+ predLeftPlusSuccInvertedEqN =
+ trans
+ (sym $ plusSuccRightSucc numLeft' numInverted)
+ leftPlusInvertedEqN
+ leftToInvert' : Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ leftToInvert' =
+ rewrite sym predLeftPlusSuccInvertedEqN in
+ subtractRowsBelow numLeft' toSubtract $
+ rewrite predLeftPlusSuccInvertedEqN in leftToInvert
+ inverseSoFar' : Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ inverseSoFar' =
+ rewrite sym predLeftPlusSuccInvertedEqN in
+ subtractRowsBelow numLeft' toSubtract $
+ rewrite predLeftPlusSuccInvertedEqN in inverseSoFar
+ in finishInvertingLT numLeft' (lteSuccRight lte') inverseSoFar' leftToInvert'
+ ||| Requires:
+ ||| * matrix * inverseSoFar = leftToInvert
+ ||| * leftToInvert is lower-triangular.
+ ||| * The diagonal of leftToInvert is all 1s.
+ |||
+ ||| Returns the inverse of matrix.
+ invertLT : (inverseSoFar : Vect n (Vect n coord)) ->
+ (leftToInvert : Vect n (Vect n coord)) ->
+ Matrix n n coord
+ invertLT = finishInvertingLT n reflexive
+ ||| Requires:
+ ||| * matrix * inverseSoFar = leftToInvert
+ ||| * The last numInverted columns of leftToInvert are lower-triangular.
+ ||| * The diagonal of leftToInvert ends with numInverted 1s.
+ |||
+ ||| Returns the inverse of matrix.
+ invertFromPartlyLT :
+ {auto 0 eq : n = n'} ->
+ (numLeft : Nat) ->
+ (0 lte : numLeft `LTE` n') ->
+ (inverseSoFar : Vect n (Vect n coord)) ->
+ (leftToInvert : Vect n (Vect n coord)) ->
+ Matrix n n coord
+ invertFromPartlyLT Z _ inverseSoFar leftToInvert =
+ invertLT inverseSoFar leftToInvert
+ invertFromPartlyLT (S numLeft') (LTESucc lte') inverseSoFar leftToInvert =
+ let -- We don't just use an @ pattern to define numLeft because of
+ --
+ numLeft : Nat
+ numLeft = S numLeft'
+ 0 lte : numLeft `LTE` n
+ lte = rewrite eq in LTESucc lte'
+ numInverted : Nat
+ numInverted = minus n numLeft
+ 0 nEqLeftPlusInverted : (n = numLeft + numInverted)
+ nEqLeftPlusInverted =
+ sym $
+ trans
+ (plusCommutative numLeft numInverted)
+ (plusMinusLte numLeft n lte)
+ 0 nEqPredLeftPlusSuccInverted : (n = numLeft' + S numInverted)
+ nEqPredLeftPlusSuccInverted =
+ trans
+ nEqLeftPlusInverted
+ (plusSuccRightSucc numLeft' numInverted)
+ workingIndex : Fin n
+ workingIndex = natToFinLT numLeft' {prf = lte}
+ toSwap : Fin n
+ toSwap =
+ rewrite nEqLeftPlusInverted in
+ weakenN numInverted $
+ argmax $ map (abs . Vect.index workingIndex) $
+ Vect.take numLeft $
+ replace {p = \m => Vect m (Vect n coord)}
+ nEqLeftPlusInverted leftToInvert
+ -- Swap rows
+ inverseSoFar' : Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ inverseSoFar' =
+ swapRows workingIndex toSwap inverseSoFar
+ leftToInvert' : Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ leftToInvert' =
+ swapRows workingIndex toSwap leftToInvert
+ -- Divide the workingIndex-th row by the value at
+ -- (workingIndex, workingIndex).
+ workingValue : coord
+ workingValue = index workingIndex (index workingIndex leftToInvert')
+ inverseSoFar'' : Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ inverseSoFar'' =
+ updateAt workingIndex (map (/ workingValue)) inverseSoFar'
+ leftToInvert'' : Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ leftToInvert'' =
+ updateAt workingIndex (map (/ workingValue)) leftToInvert'
+ -- Zero out the entries above (workingIndex, workingIndex).
+ subtractionCoefficients : Vect numLeft' coord
+ subtractionCoefficients =
+ map (index workingIndex) $ take numLeft' $
+ replace {p = \m => Vect m (Vect n coord)}
+ nEqPredLeftPlusSuccInverted leftToInvert''
+ inverseSoFar''' : Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ inverseSoFar''' =
+ replace {p = \m => Vect m (Vect n coord)}
+ (sym nEqPredLeftPlusSuccInverted)
+ $
+ subtractRowsAbove numLeft' subtractionCoefficients $
+ the (Vect (numLeft' + S numInverted) _) $
+ replace {p = \m => Vect m (Vect n coord)}
+ nEqPredLeftPlusSuccInverted
+ inverseSoFar''
+ leftToInvert''' : Vect n (Vect n coord)
+ leftToInvert''' =
+ replace {p = \m => Vect m (Vect n coord)}
+ (sym nEqPredLeftPlusSuccInverted)
+ $
+ subtractRowsAbove numLeft' subtractionCoefficients $
+ the (Vect (numLeft' + S numInverted) _) $
+ replace {p = \m => Vect m (Vect n coord)}
+ nEqPredLeftPlusSuccInverted
+ leftToInvert''
+ in invertFromPartlyLT numLeft' (lteSuccRight lte')
+ inverseSoFar''' leftToInvert'''
+ in invertFromPartlyLT n reflexive (diagonalVects (replicate n 1)) (matrixToVects matrix)
+ ||| This behaves like Euclidean translation near [0, 0, 0, 1].
+ export
+ translate : Vect 3 Double -> Matrix 4 4 Double
+ translate v = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], vectToVector (v ++ [1])]
+-- Matrix-vector product
+(!*^) : Neg coord => {a : Nat} -> Matrix a b coord -> Vector b coord -> Vector a coord
+(!*^) a x =
+ let a' = matrixToVectors a
+ in vectToVector (map (x ^.^) a')
+-- Vector-matrix product
+(^*!) : Neg coord => {b : Nat} -> Vector a coord -> Matrix a b coord -> Vector b coord
+(^*!) x a = transpose a !*^ x
+-- Cross product.
+cross : (Neg coord, Num coord) => {n : Nat} -> Vect n (Vector (S n) coord) -> Vector (S n) coord
+cross vs =
+ vectToVector $
+ tabulate $
+ \ i => paritySign i * determinant (vectsToMatrix (map (deleteAt i . vectorToVect) vs))
+||| Given two nonzero vectors, returns a vector that's not in their span.
+notSpanned : Vector 4 Double -> Vector 4 Double ->
+ Vector 4 Double
+notSpanned u v =
+ let candidates : Vect 3 (Vector 4 Double)
+ candidates =
+ [ [1, 0, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 1, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0, 1, 0]
+ ]
+ in index (argmax [norm $ cross [u, v, c] | c <- candidates]) candidates
+||| `from` and `to` should not be colinear.
+||| This returns a matrix `m` such that `normalize from !*! m = normalize to`.
+||| TODO: test
+rotationMatrix : Vector 4 Double -> Vector 4 Double -> Matrix 4 4 Double
+rotationMatrix from to =
+ let -- Vectors that aren't moved by the rotation.
+ fixed0 : Vector 4 Double
+ fixed0 = normalize $ cross [from, to, notSpanned from to]
+ fixed1 : Vector 4 Double
+ fixed1 = normalize $ cross [from, to, fixed0]
+ -- A vector that moves along with `from`.
+ otherFrom : Vector 4 Double
+ otherFrom = normalize $ cross [from, fixed0, fixed1]
+ -- Where otherFrom goes.
+ otherTo : Vector 4 Double
+ otherTo = normalize $ cross [to, fixed0, fixed1]
+ in transpose [normalize from, otherFrom, fixed0, fixed1] !*! [normalize to, otherTo, fixed0, fixed1]
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blob + cb61879cff4b669e76d77a6cd3e608d841e464b5 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Math/LinearAlgebraTest.idr
+module Math.LinearAlgebraTest
+import Data.List
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import System.Random
+import Test.TestTree
+%default total
+almostEqual : Double -> Double -> Bool
+almostEqual x y = abs (x - y) < 0.0001
+vectorsAlmostEqual : Vect n Double -> Vect n Double -> Bool
+vectorsAlmostEqual u v = all (uncurry almostEqual) (zip u v)
+isAlmostIdentity : {n : Nat} -> Matrix n n Double -> Bool
+isAlmostIdentity matrix =
+ all (uncurry vectorsAlmostEqual) $
+ zip (matrixToVects matrix) (matrixToVects (identityMatrix _))
+inverseTestCase : {n : Nat} -> String -> IO (Matrix n n Double) -> TestCase
+inverseTestCase name makeMatrix =
+ MkTestCase
+ { name = name
+ , run = do matrix <- makeMatrix
+ let computedInverse = matrixInverse matrix
+ let product = computedInverse !*! matrix
+ pure $
+ if isAlmostIdentity product
+ then MkSuccess
+ else MkFailure $
+ fastConcat
+ [ show computedInverse
+ , " (inverse) !*! "
+ , show matrix
+ , " (original) = "
+ , show product
+ , " which is not close to the identity matrix"
+ ]
+ }
+randomUpperTriangular : {n : Nat} -> IO (Matrix n n Double)
+randomUpperTriangular {n = Z} = pure Nil
+randomUpperTriangular {n = S _} =
+ do firstRow <- map vectToVector $ sequence (replicate _ $ randomRIO (-100, 100))
+ rest <- map (vectorsToMatrix . map (0 ::) . matrixToVectors) randomUpperTriangular
+ pure (firstRow :: rest)
+tests : TestTree
+tests =
+ MkTestGroup "LinearAlgebra.inverse" $ map MkTestLeaf $
+ [ inverseTestCase "0x0 matrix" $ pure Nil
+ , inverseTestCase "1x1 identity" $ pure $ identityMatrix 1
+ , inverseTestCase "the number 5" $ pure $ [[5]]
+ , inverseTestCase "5x5 identity" $ pure $ identityMatrix 5
+ , inverseTestCase "diagonal" $ pure $ diagonalMatrix [2, 1, 0.1, 4]
+ , inverseTestCase "010 001 -100" $ pure [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0]]
+ , inverseTestCase "another 3x3" $ pure [[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 0, -1], [0, -1, 1]]
+ ]
+ ++
+ concat
+ [ replicate 3 $
+ inverseTestCase ("random " <+> show n <+> "x" <+> show n) $
+ do upper <- randomUpperTriangular {n}
+ lower <- map transpose randomUpperTriangular
+ pure (lower !*! upper)
+ | n <- the (List _) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ ]
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blob + dfb5e75f8dbc966d1add1b65bbe4129623499ad8 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/PrecomputeMain.idr
+module PrecomputeMain
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Precompute
+import S3D.Polyhedra.ToPrecompute
+%default total
+forceEither : Either String a -> a
+forceEither (Left s) = idris_crash s
+forceEither (Right x) = x
+main : IO ()
+main = putStr $ forceEither $
+ precomputePolyhedra toPrecompute "S3D.Polyhedra.Precomputed"
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blob + 48de365bd78ed20623fb3963217dd780bd31d375 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/AnimationFrame/Prim.idr
+module S3D.AnimationFrame.Prim
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(callback) => window.requestAnimationFrame(time => callback(time)())"
+prim__requestAnimationFrame : (Double -> PrimIO ()) -> PrimIO ()
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blob + 4d3508f0ae03f5e67bd053921e01b95e0147f233 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/AnimationFrame.idr
+module S3D.AnimationFrame
+import S3D.AnimationFrame.Prim
+import System.Clock
+%default total
+fromSeconds : {type : ClockType} -> Double -> Clock type
+fromSeconds seconds =
+ MkClock (cast (floor seconds)) (cast ((seconds - floor seconds) * 1000000000))
+fromMillis : {type : ClockType} -> Double -> Clock type
+fromMillis millis = fromSeconds (millis / 1000)
+requestAnimationFrame : HasIO io => (Clock Monotonic -> IO ()) -> io ()
+requestAnimationFrame callback =
+ let callback' : Double -> PrimIO ()
+ callback' time = toPrim $ callback $ fromMillis time
+ in do primIO $ prim__requestAnimationFrame callback'
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blob + f05b8af787e1a429d8e156cdc7f86df7e012d372 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Array.idr
+module S3D.Array
+import JS.Array
+-- A version of JS.Array.fromListIO that doesn't blow the stack.
+tailRecFromListIO : HasIO io => List a -> io (Array a)
+tailRecFromListIO as = liftIO $ fromList' as thaw
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blob + 853ad2d8d7dc02d372ccac3668d0175e17311fe9 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/ArrayBuffer/Prim.idr
+module S3D.ArrayBuffer.Prim
+import JS
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(x) => new Float32Array(x)"
+prim__newFloat32Array : Array Double -> PrimIO Float32Array
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(x) => new Int16Array(x)"
+prim__newInt16Array : Array Int16 -> PrimIO Int16Array
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(x) => new Uint8Array(x)"
+prim__newUInt8Array : Array Bits8 -> PrimIO UInt8Array
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blob + a86059b073ec7224122e3b60897c227ce0953152 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/ArrayBuffer.idr
+module S3D.ArrayBuffer
+import JS
+import S3D.ArrayBuffer.Prim
+%default total
+makeFloat32Array : Array Double -> JSIO Float32Array
+makeFloat32Array = primIO . prim__newFloat32Array
+makeInt16Array : Array Int16 -> JSIO Int16Array
+makeInt16Array = primIO . prim__newInt16Array
+makeUInt8Array : Array Bits8 -> JSIO UInt8Array
+makeUInt8Array = primIO . prim__newUInt8Array
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blob + 53f7951ac3f850aee63142a06b7e10695660dc17 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/CSG/DrawablePolyhedron.idr
+||| Constructive Solid Geometry with `DrawablePolyhedron`s.
+module S3D.CSG.DrawablePolyhedron
+import Data.Vect
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Construct
+%default total
+complement : DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes attributes False ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes attributes False
+complement = { polyhedron $= SolidGeometry.Construct.complement }
+intersect : {numPlanes0 : Nat} ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes0 attributes False ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes1 attributes False ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron (numPlanes0 + numPlanes1) attributes False
+intersect drawable0 drawable1 =
+ MkDrawablePolyhedron
+ { polyhedron = SolidGeometry.Construct.intersect
+ drawable0.polyhedron drawable1.polyhedron
+ , faceAttributes = drawable0.faceAttributes ++ drawable1.faceAttributes
+ , triangulation = ()
+ }
+union : {numPlanes0 : Nat} ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes0 attributes False ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes1 attributes False ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron (numPlanes0 + numPlanes1) attributes False
+union drawable0 drawable1 =
+ MkDrawablePolyhedron
+ { polyhedron = SolidGeometry.Construct.union
+ drawable0.polyhedron drawable1.polyhedron
+ , faceAttributes =drawable0.faceAttributes ++ drawable1.faceAttributes
+ , triangulation = ()
+ }
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blob + 691740da9ed6733da7391aeb1fe34598a8fef3de (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/CSG/PhysicalPolyhedron.idr
+||| Constructive Solid Geometry with `PhysicalPolyhedron`s.
+module S3D.CSG.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.CSG.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Construct
+%default total
+complement : PhysicalPolyhedron n attributes False ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron n attributes False
+complement =
+ { drawablePolyhedron $= S3D.CSG.DrawablePolyhedron.complement
+ , obstaclePolyhedron $= SolidGeometry.Construct.complement
+ }
+intersect : {n0 : Nat} ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron n0 attributes False ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron n1 attributes False ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron (n0 + n1) attributes False
+intersect poly0 poly1 =
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron =
+ intersect poly0.drawablePolyhedron poly1.drawablePolyhedron
+ , obstaclePolyhedron =
+ intersect poly0.obstaclePolyhedron poly1.obstaclePolyhedron
+ }
+union : {n0 : Nat} ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron n0 attributes False ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron n1 attributes False ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron (n0 + n1) attributes False
+union poly0 poly1 =
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron =
+ union poly0.drawablePolyhedron poly1.drawablePolyhedron
+ , obstaclePolyhedron =
+ union poly0.obstaclePolyhedron poly1.obstaclePolyhedron
+ }
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blob + d623c0c40ad7169342f6bdfc5dea7c1ff365cce9 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Controls.idr
+module S3D.Controls
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.SortedSet
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Obstacles
+import S3D.PlayerMovement
+import S3D.WebUI
+%default total
+||| `positiveKeyDown` and `negativeKeyDown` should be the state of an opposite
+||| pair of keys --- up and down, or left and right.
+||| If just the positive key is down, applies `update 1`. If just the negative
+||| key: `update (-1)`. Otherwise applies the identity function.
+arrowKeyChange : (positiveKeyDown : Bool) -> (negativeKeyDown : Bool) ->
+ (update : Double -> a -> a) -> a -> a
+arrowKeyChange True False f = f 1
+arrowKeyChange False True f = f (-1)
+arrowKeyChange _ _ _ = id
+capMagnitude : Double -> Double -> Double
+capMagnitude cap x =
+ if abs x > cap
+ then x / abs x * cap
+ else x
+stepPlacement : HasIO io =>
+ Obstacles -> PlayerPlacement -> IORef UIState -> io PlayerPlacement
+stepPlacement obstacles oldPlacement uiStateRef =
+ do uiState <- readIORef uiStateRef
+ modifyIORef uiStateRef { touchDeltas := replicate _ [0, 0] }
+ pure $
+ let [ [touchTurnX, touchTurnY]
+ , [touchMoveX, touchMoveY]
+ ] = map vectorToVect uiState.touchDeltas in
+ let shift = contains "Shift" uiState.keysDown
+ right = contains "ArrowRight" uiState.keysDown
+ left = contains "ArrowLeft" uiState.keysDown
+ up = contains "ArrowUp" uiState.keysDown
+ down = contains "ArrowDown" uiState.keysDown
+ -- Limit the movement speed from touch events to stop the player
+ -- from going through walls. Collision detection only checks whether
+ -- the player would end up inside something, not whether they jump
+ -- through something.
+ touchMoveX' = capMagnitude 0.06 touchMoveX
+ touchMoveY' = capMagnitude 0.06 touchMoveY
+ ||| The new placement only taking keyboard controls into account.
+ placementFromKeyboard : PlayerPlacement
+ placementFromKeyboard =
+ if shift
+ then arrowKeyChange up down oneFrameLookUp $
+ arrowKeyChange right left oneFrameStrafe $
+ oldPlacement
+ else arrowKeyChange right left oneFrameTurn $
+ arrowKeyChange up down oneFrameMoveForward $
+ oldPlacement
+ ||| Where the player would go if we didn't have collision detection.
+ attemptedPlacement : PlayerPlacement
+ attemptedPlacement =
+ touchMoveForward (-touchMoveY') $
+ touchStrafe (-touchMoveX') $
+ touchLookUp (-touchTurnY) $
+ touchTurn (-touchTurnX) $
+ placementFromKeyboard
+ in if collision (position attemptedPlacement) obstacles
+ then oldPlacement
+ else attemptedPlacement
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blob + d65cfc16c88e682652ad108b4963e07180922e2d (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/DomExtras.idr
+||| Stuff not in idris2-dom.
+module S3D.DomExtras
+import JS
+import Web.Dom
+%default total
+data Touch : Type where
+data TouchList : Type where
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(x) => x.clientX"
+prim__getClientX : Touch -> PrimIO Int32
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(x) => x.clientY"
+prim__getClientY : Touch -> PrimIO Int32
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(x) => x.length"
+prim__getNumTouches : TouchList -> PrimIO Int32
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(t,i) => t.item(i)"
+prim__getTouchItem : TouchList -> Int32 -> PrimIO Touch
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:(x) => x.touches"
+prim__getTouchList : Event -> PrimIO TouchList
+getClientX : Touch -> JSIO Int32
+getClientX = primIO . prim__getClientX
+getClientY : Touch -> JSIO Int32
+getClientY = primIO . prim__getClientY
+getNumTouches : TouchList -> JSIO Nat
+getNumTouches touchList =
+ map cast $ primIO $ prim__getNumTouches touchList
+getTouchItem : TouchList -> Nat -> JSIO Touch
+getTouchItem touchList i = primIO $ prim__getTouchItem touchList $ cast i
+getTouchList : Event -> JSIO TouchList
+getTouchList = primIO . prim__getTouchList
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blob + 768195839f38f7b9b59668bc6a6482517b7eb3ca (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Draw.idr
+module S3D.Draw
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Vect
+import JS
+import S3D.Drawable
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Web.Html
+import Web.Raw.Webgl
+%default total
+-- Draws everything twice, so things behind the viewer are visible.
+-- This function handles shrinking z coordinates so that far-away things aren't clipped.
+drawUniverse : WebGL2RenderingContext -> Matrix 4 4 Double -> List Drawable -> JSIO ()
+drawUniverse gl viewMatrix drawables =
+ do let shrunkViewMatrix = viewMatrix !*! (diagonalMatrix [1, 1, 0.00001, 1])
+ let negShrunkViewMatrix = negateMatrix shrunkViewMatrix
+ clearColor gl 0 0 0 1
+ traverse_ (\drawable => draw gl drawable negShrunkViewMatrix) drawables
+ traverse_ (\drawable => draw gl drawable shrunkViewMatrix) drawables
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blob + d692a33f0a663f5797e515f45372bfcf03286b4a (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/DrawInput.idr
+module S3D.DrawInput
+import Data.List
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Numbers
+import S3D.Transformable
+import SolidGeometry.Polygon
+%default total
+public export
+record TriangleIndices where
+ constructor T
+ indices : Vect 3 Int16
+convertTriangle : Triangle (Fin n) -> TriangleIndices
+convertTriangle (MkTriangle a b c) = T (map finToInt16 [a, b, c])
+-- A sequence of vertex attributes together with a list of triangles to draw
+-- given as indices into that sequence.
+public export
+record DrawInput attributes where
+ constructor MkDrawInput
+ triangles : List TriangleIndices
+ vertexAttributes : List attributes
+Transformable attributes => Transformable (DrawInput attributes) where
+ transform matrix = { vertexAttributes $= map (transform matrix) }
+emptyDrawInput : DrawInput attributes
+emptyDrawInput = MkDrawInput Nil Nil
+addOffsetToTriangle : Int16 -> TriangleIndices -> TriangleIndices
+addOffsetToTriangle offset (T [a, b, c]) = T [a + offset, b + offset, c + offset]
+genericLength : Num a => List b -> a
+genericLength = fromInteger . cast . length
+concatDrawInputs' : DrawInput attributes -> Int16 -> List (DrawInput attributes) -> DrawInput attributes
+concatDrawInputs' tailDrawInput _ Nil = tailDrawInput
+concatDrawInputs' tailDrawInput numVerticesRemaining (nextDrawInput :: reversedDrawInputs) =
+ let numVerticesRemaining' = numVerticesRemaining - genericLength (vertexAttributes nextDrawInput)
+ tailDrawInput' =
+ { triangles $= (map (addOffsetToTriangle numVerticesRemaining') (triangles nextDrawInput) ++)
+ , vertexAttributes $= (vertexAttributes nextDrawInput ++)
+ }
+ tailDrawInput
+ in concatDrawInputs' tailDrawInput' numVerticesRemaining' reversedDrawInputs
+concatDrawInputs : List (DrawInput attributes) -> DrawInput attributes
+concatDrawInputs drawInputs =
+ let numVertices = sum (map (genericLength . vertexAttributes) drawInputs)
+ in concatDrawInputs' emptyDrawInput numVertices (reverse drawInputs)
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blob + 2e08c1889e83c1f0a8cc5fc93d1afe6bb5a0b39d (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Drawable.idr
+module S3D.Drawable
+import Data.Vect
+import JS
+import S3D.Array
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Web.Html
+import Web.Raw.Webgl
+%default total
+-- A Drawable is a GL vertex array together with everything needed to draw it.
+-- We also store the associated buffers so that we can delete them when we're
+-- done with the Drawable.
+public export
+record Drawable where
+ constructor MkDrawable
+ program : WebGLProgram
+ viewMatrixLocation : WebGLUniformLocation
+ vertexArray : WebGLVertexArrayObject
+ -- 3 times the number of triangles
+ numElements : Int32
+ buffers : List WebGLBuffer
+draw : WebGL2RenderingContext -> Drawable -> Matrix 4 4 Double -> JSIO ()
+draw gl drawable matrix =
+ do useProgram gl (Just drawable.program)
+ bindVertexArray gl (Just drawable.vertexArray)
+ matrixArray <- tailRecFromListIO (concat (map (toList . vectorToVect) (matrixToVectors matrix)))
+ uniformMatrix4fv' gl (Just drawable.viewMatrixLocation) False (S (Z matrixArray))
+ let count = drawable.numElements
+ let offset = 0
+ drawElements gl TRIANGLES count UNSIGNED_SHORT offset
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blob + 3e9739fdfac47cefcfd0d3a1da8b45b3b2e2d3e9 (mode 644)
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+++ src/S3D/DrawablePolyhedron/SimpleColour.idr
+||| DrawablePolyhedrons with SimpleColour attributes.
+module S3D.DrawablePolyhedron.SimpleColour
+import Data.Vect
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Attributes
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Math.LinearAlgebra.Normalized
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+buildAttributes : Vector 4 Double -> VertexCoordinates -> Attributes
+buildAttributes colour coordinates =
+ MkAttributes
+ { position = fromNormalized coordinates.absolute
+ , colour = colour
+ }
+makeSimpleColourPolyhedron :
+ Polyhedron numPlanes -> Vect numPlanes (Vect 2 (Vector 4 Double)) ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes Attributes False
+makeSimpleColourPolyhedron polyhedron faceColours =
+ MkDrawablePolyhedron
+ { polyhedron = polyhedron
+ , faceAttributes = map (map buildAttributes) faceColours
+ , triangulation = ()
+ }
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blob + cf8a941621465c5cc57ae44804643e7ee552bf62 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/DrawablePolyhedron.idr
+||| A `DrawablePolyhedron` is a Polyhedron with attribute information
+||| associated with each face. These can be converted to `drawInput`s using
+||| `drawPolyhedron`.
+module S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import Data.Vect
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Sign
+%default total
+||| Attributes that depend on a vertex's absolute location, and its location in
+||| the local coordinate system of the face it's on.
+public export
+AttributeBuilder : Type -> Type
+AttributeBuilder attributes = VertexCoordinates -> attributes
+||| If pretriangulated is True, this includes a precomputed triangulation of
+||| the polyhedron.
+public export
+record DrawablePolyhedron (numPlanes : Nat) (attributes : Type) (pretriangulated : Bool) where
+ constructor MkDrawablePolyhedron
+ polyhedron : Polyhedron numPlanes
+ ||| For each face index i, how to compute attributes for (MkFaceId i
+ ||| Positive) and for (mkFaceId i Negative).
+ faceAttributes : Vect numPlanes (Vect 2 (AttributeBuilder attributes))
+ triangulation : if pretriangulated then List (TriangulatedFace numPlanes) else ()
+signToIndex : Sign -> Fin 2
+signToIndex Positive = 0
+signToIndex Negative = 1
+lookUpAttributes : FaceId numPlanes -> Vect numPlanes (Vect 2 a) -> a
+lookUpAttributes face =
+ index (signToIndex face.outside) . index face.planeIndex
+faceToDrawInput : {0 numPlanes : Nat} -> TriangulatedFace numPlanes ->
+ AttributeBuilder attributes -> DrawInput attributes
+faceToDrawInput face buildAttributes =
+ MkDrawInput
+ (map convertTriangle face.triangles)
+ (map buildAttributes $ toList face.vertices)
+addTriangulation : List (TriangulatedFace numPlanes) ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes attributes False ->
+ DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes attributes True
+addTriangulation t = {triangulation := t}
+||| Turn a `DrawablePolyhedron` into a `DrawInput` using the precomputed
+||| triangulation.
+drawPrecomputedPolyhedron : {numPlanes : Nat} -> DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes attributes True ->
+ DrawInput attributes
+drawPrecomputedPolyhedron polyhedron =
+ concatDrawInputs
+ [ faceToDrawInput face (lookUpAttributes face.faceId polyhedron.faceAttributes)
+ | face <- polyhedron.triangulation
+ ]
+||| Turn a `DrawablePolyhedron` into a `DrawInput` by computing a new
+||| triangulation.
+export partial
+drawPolyhedron : {numPlanes : Nat} -> DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes attributes False ->
+ Either String (DrawInput attributes)
+drawPolyhedron polyhedron =
+ do faces <- triangulate polyhedron.polyhedron
+ pure $ drawPrecomputedPolyhedron $ addTriangulation faces polyhedron
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blob + 4b4a1152490d292f162666f6fbb3ec566b7f3c14 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Figure.idr
+A Figure consists of a DrawInput for each program we are willing to run on
+every frame.
+module S3D.Figure
+import JS
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import S3D.Drawable
+import S3D.GLProgram
+import S3D.GLProgram.ColourTexture
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Transformable
+import Web.Html
+%default total
+public export
+record Figure where
+ constructor MkFigure
+ colourTextureInput : DrawInput ColourTexture.Attributes
+ simpleColourInput : DrawInput SimpleColour.Attributes
+Transformable Figure where
+ transform matrix =
+ { colourTextureInput $= transform matrix
+ , simpleColourInput $= transform matrix
+ }
+compileFigure : WebGL2RenderingContext
+ -> S3D.GLProgram.ColourTexture.Program -> S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Program -> Figure
+ -> JSIO (List Drawable)
+compileFigure gl colourTextureProgram simpleColourProgram figure =
+ sequence
+ [ compileDrawInput gl colourTextureProgram figure.colourTextureInput
+ , compileDrawInput gl simpleColourProgram figure.simpleColourInput
+ ]
+concatFigures : List Figure -> Figure
+concatFigures fs =
+ MkFigure
+ (concatDrawInputs (map colourTextureInput fs))
+ (concatDrawInputs (map simpleColourInput fs))
+colourTextureFigure : DrawInput ColourTexture.Attributes -> Figure
+colourTextureFigure drawInput = MkFigure drawInput emptyDrawInput
+simpleColourFigure : DrawInput SimpleColour.Attributes -> Figure
+simpleColourFigure drawInput = MkFigure emptyDrawInput drawInput
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blob + e90a5f4f8d42b0dd39abbb6167ad53a3a20faf8f (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/GLProgram/ColourTexture.idr
+module S3D.GLProgram.ColourTexture
+import Data.Vect
+import JS
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import S3D.Drawable
+import S3D.GLProgram
+import S3D.GLProgram.Helpers
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Transformable
+import Web.Html
+import Web.Raw.Webgl
+%default total
+public export
+record Program where
+ constructor MkProgram
+ program : WebGLProgram
+ viewMatrixLocation, textureLocation : WebGLUniformLocation
+ positionLocation, colourLocation, textureCoordsLocation : Bits32
+-- "ColourTexture": vertices have a position, texture coordinates, and a colour to combine with the texture.
+public export
+record Attributes where
+ constructor MkAttributes
+ position, colour : Vector 4 Double
+ textureCoords : Vector 2 Double
+Transformable Attributes where
+ transform matrix = { position $= transform matrix }
+vertexShaderSource : String
+vertexShaderSource =
+ "#version 300 es\n" ++
+ " " ++
+ "in vec4 a_position; " ++
+ "uniform mat4 u_matrix; " ++
+ "in vec4 a_colour; " ++
+ "in vec2 a_texture_coords; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "out vec4 v_colour; " ++
+ "out vec2 v_texture_coords; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "void main() { " ++
+ " gl_Position = u_matrix * a_position; " ++
+ " v_colour = a_colour; " ++
+ " v_texture_coords = a_texture_coords; " ++
+ "}"
+fragmentShaderSource : String
+fragmentShaderSource =
+ "#version 300 es\n" ++
+ " " ++
+ "precision mediump float; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "in vec4 v_colour; " ++
+ "in vec2 v_texture_coords; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "out vec4 colour; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "void main() { " ++
+ " colour = v_colour * texture(u_texture, v_texture_coords); " ++
+ "}"
+GLProgram Program Attributes where
+ makeProgram gl =
+ do program <- compileAndLinkProgram gl vertexShaderSource fragmentShaderSource
+ matrixLocation <- getAndCheckUniformLocation gl program "u_matrix"
+ textureLocation <- getAndCheckUniformLocation gl program "u_texture"
+ positionLocation <- getAndCheckAttribLocation gl program "a_position"
+ colourLocation <- getAndCheckAttribLocation gl program "a_colour"
+ textureCoordsLocation <- getAndCheckAttribLocation gl program "a_texture_coords"
+ pure $
+ MkProgram
+ { program = program
+ , viewMatrixLocation = matrixLocation
+ , textureLocation = textureLocation
+ , positionLocation = positionLocation
+ , colourLocation = colourLocation
+ , textureCoordsLocation = textureCoordsLocation
+ }
+ compileDrawInput gl program drawInput =
+ do vertexArray <- unMaybe "createVertexArray" $ createVertexArray gl
+ bindVertexArray gl (Just vertexArray)
+ positionBuffer <- makeAndBindBuffer gl program.positionLocation
+ (map (vectorToVect . position) drawInput.vertexAttributes)
+ colourBuffer <- makeAndBindBuffer gl program.colourLocation
+ (map (vectorToVect . colour) drawInput.vertexAttributes)
+ textureCoordsBuffer <-
+ makeAndBindBuffer gl program.textureCoordsLocation
+ (map (vectorToVect . textureCoords) drawInput.vertexAttributes)
+ elementBuffer <- makeAndBindElementBuffer gl drawInput.triangles
+ let numElements = 3 * length drawInput.triangles
+ pure $
+ MkDrawable
+ { program = program.program
+ , viewMatrixLocation = program.viewMatrixLocation
+ , vertexArray = vertexArray
+ , numElements = cast numElements
+ , buffers = [positionBuffer, colourBuffer, textureCoordsBuffer, elementBuffer]
+ }
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blob + 720acfbc86505cff1113fb8a9e4d21f8c1f87929 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/GLProgram/Helpers.idr
+module S3D.GLProgram.Helpers
+import Data.Vect
+import JS
+import S3D.Array
+import S3D.ArrayBuffer
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import Web.Html
+import Web.Raw.Webgl
+%default total
+makeAndBindBuffer : {componentsPerIteration : Nat} -> WebGL2RenderingContext -> Bits32 -> List (Vect componentsPerIteration Double) -> JSIO WebGLBuffer
+makeAndBindBuffer gl location content =
+ do arrayBuffer <- makeFloat32Array !(tailRecFromListIO (concat (map toList content)))
+ buffer <- unMaybe "createBuffer" $ createBuffer gl
+ bindBuffer gl ARRAY_BUFFER (Just buffer)
+ bufferData1 gl ARRAY_BUFFER (Just (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (Z arrayBuffer))))))))) STATIC_DRAW
+ enableVertexAttribArray gl location
+ vertexAttribPointer gl
+ location
+ (cast componentsPerIteration)
+ {- normalize? -} False
+ {- stride = -} 0
+ {- offset = -} 0
+ pure buffer
+makeAndBindElementBuffer : WebGL2RenderingContext -> List TriangleIndices -> JSIO WebGLBuffer
+makeAndBindElementBuffer gl triangleIndices =
+ do arrayBuffer <- makeInt16Array !(tailRecFromListIO (concat (map (toList . indices) triangleIndices)))
+ buffer <- unMaybe "createBuffer" $ createBuffer gl
+ bindBuffer gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER (Just buffer)
+ bufferData1 gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER (Just (S (Z arrayBuffer))) STATIC_DRAW
+ pure buffer
+castVia : (t : Type) -> (SafeCast t, FromFFI b t) => a -> Maybe b
+castVia _ x = safeCast x >>= fromFFI
+makeShader : WebGL2RenderingContext -> Bits32 -> String -> JSIO WebGLShader
+makeShader gl type source =
+ do shader <- unMaybe "createShader" $ createShader gl type
+ shaderSource gl shader source
+ compileShader gl shader
+ success <- unMaybe "castVia (getShaderParameter)" $ map (castVia Boolean) $ getShaderParameter gl shader COMPILE_STATUS
+ if success
+ then pure shader
+ else do log <- unMaybe "getShaderInfoLog" $ getShaderInfoLog gl shader
+ deleteShader gl (Just shader)
+ throwError $ Caught log
+compileAndLinkProgram : WebGL2RenderingContext -> String -> String -> JSIO WebGLProgram
+compileAndLinkProgram gl vertexShaderSource fragmentShaderSource =
+ do vertexShader <- makeShader gl VERTEX_SHADER vertexShaderSource
+ fragmentShader <- makeShader gl FRAGMENT_SHADER fragmentShaderSource
+ program <- unMaybe "createProgram" $ createProgram gl
+ attachShader gl program vertexShader
+ attachShader gl program fragmentShader
+ linkProgram gl program
+ success <- unMaybe "castVia (getProgramParameter)" $ map (castVia Boolean) $ getProgramParameter gl program LINK_STATUS
+ if success
+ then pure program
+ else do log <- unMaybe "getProgramInfoLog" $ getProgramInfoLog gl program
+ deleteProgram gl (Just program)
+ deleteShader gl (Just vertexShader)
+ deleteShader gl (Just fragmentShader)
+ throwError $ Caught log
+getAndCheckUniformLocation : WebGL2RenderingContext -> WebGLProgram -> String -> JSIO WebGLUniformLocation
+getAndCheckUniformLocation gl program attributeName =
+ unMaybe "getUniformLocation" $ getUniformLocation gl program attributeName
+getAndCheckAttribLocation : WebGL2RenderingContext -> WebGLProgram -> String -> JSIO Bits32
+getAndCheckAttribLocation gl program attributeName =
+ do location <- getAttribLocation gl program attributeName
+ if location >= 0
+ then pure (cast location)
+ else throwError $ Caught ("bad location for attribute " ++ attributeName)
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blob + e8395223e9db5294f484a194568935f44fc5e321 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/GLProgram/SimpleColour/Attributes.idr
+||| We put the SimpleColour.Attributes type in a separate module so it's
+||| possible to use it in non-Javascript code.
+module S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Attributes
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+%default total
+-- Wrap it in a namespace so we can write SimpleColour.Attributes to refer to
+-- the Attributes type.
+namespace SimpleColour
+ public export
+ record Attributes where
+ constructor MkAttributes
+ position, colour : Vector 4 Double
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--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/GLProgram/SimpleColour.idr
+module S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import public S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Attributes
+import Data.Vect
+import JS
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import S3D.Drawable
+import S3D.GLProgram
+import S3D.GLProgram.Helpers
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Transformable
+import Web.Html
+import Web.Raw.Webgl
+%default total
+public export
+record Program where
+ constructor MkProgram
+ program : WebGLProgram
+ viewMatrixLocation : WebGLUniformLocation
+ positionLocation, colourLocation : Bits32
+Transformable Attributes where
+ transform matrix = { position $= transform matrix }
+vertexShaderSource : String
+vertexShaderSource =
+ "#version 300 es\n" ++
+ " " ++
+ "in vec4 a_position; " ++
+ "uniform mat4 u_matrix; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "in vec4 a_colour; " ++
+ "out vec4 v_colour; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "void main() { " ++
+ " gl_Position = u_matrix * a_position; " ++
+ " v_colour = a_colour; " ++
+ "}"
+fragmentShaderSource : String
+fragmentShaderSource =
+ "#version 300 es\n" ++
+ " " ++
+ "precision mediump float; " ++
+ " " ++
+ "in vec4 v_colour; " ++
+ "out vec4 colour; " ++
+ "void main() { " ++
+ " colour = v_colour; " ++
+ "}"
+GLProgram Program Attributes where
+ makeProgram gl =
+ do program <- compileAndLinkProgram gl vertexShaderSource fragmentShaderSource
+ matrixLocation <- getAndCheckUniformLocation gl program "u_matrix"
+ positionLocation <- getAndCheckAttribLocation gl program "a_position"
+ colourLocation <- getAndCheckAttribLocation gl program "a_colour"
+ pure $
+ MkProgram
+ { program = program
+ , viewMatrixLocation = matrixLocation
+ , positionLocation = positionLocation
+ , colourLocation = colourLocation
+ }
+ compileDrawInput gl program drawInput =
+ do vertexArray <- unMaybe "createVertexArray" $ createVertexArray gl
+ bindVertexArray gl (Just vertexArray)
+ positionBuffer <- makeAndBindBuffer gl program.positionLocation
+ (map (vectorToVect . position) drawInput.vertexAttributes)
+ colourBuffer <- makeAndBindBuffer gl program.colourLocation
+ (map (vectorToVect . colour) drawInput.vertexAttributes)
+ elementBuffer <- makeAndBindElementBuffer gl drawInput.triangles
+ let numElements = 3 * length drawInput.triangles
+ pure $
+ MkDrawable
+ { program = program.program
+ , viewMatrixLocation = program.viewMatrixLocation
+ , vertexArray = vertexArray
+ , numElements = cast numElements
+ , buffers = [positionBuffer, colourBuffer, elementBuffer]
+ }
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blob + 2f6ad104f7531f276f6389518f434f79219df001 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/GLProgram.idr
+module S3D.GLProgram
+import JS
+import S3D.Drawable
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import Web.Html
+import Web.Raw.Webgl
+%default total
+-- An implementation of GLProgram is a program (i.e. collection of shaders)
+-- together with types and values related to it.
+-- The program type represents an instance of the program, including the
+-- locations of attributes. (There's probably no reason to ever make more
+-- than one instance of the same program.)
+-- The attributes type represents the attributes for a single vertex.
+interface GLProgram program attributes | program where
+ makeProgram : WebGL2RenderingContext -> JSIO program
+ compileDrawInput : WebGL2RenderingContext -> program -> DrawInput attributes -> JSIO Drawable
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--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Lighting/SimpleColour.idr
+module S3D.Lighting.SimpleColour
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import S3D.Lighting
+%default total
+UseLightColour Attributes where
+ useLightColour lightColour attributes =
+ case (vectorToVect lightColour, vectorToVect attributes.colour) of
+ ([r, g, b], [r', g', b', a]) =>
+ { colour := [r * r', g * g', b * b', a] } attributes
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blob + 93e90c6a7771c75d69e302964e868b70c69707a6 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Lighting.idr
+||| Primitive lighting: a face on a polyhedron is illuminated depending on its
+||| relation to some light sources.
+||| Unprincipled and subject to change.
+module S3D.Lighting
+import Data.List
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Math.LinearAlgebra.Normalized
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+public export
+record LightSource where
+ constructor MkLightSource
+ location : Vector 4 Double
+ colour : Vector 3 Double
+interface UseLightColour attributes where
+ ||| Modify the input so its total illumination is `lightColour`.
+ useLightColour : (lightColour : Vector 3 Double) -> attributes -> attributes
+||| `Nothing` means the same as `Just [0, 0, 0]`, but might save some
+||| computation.
+faceIlluminationFromLight : (faceNormal : Vector 4 Double) ->
+ (locationOnFace : Normalized (Vector 4 Double)) ->
+ LightSource -> Maybe (Vector 3 Double)
+faceIlluminationFromLight faceNormal locationOnFace lightSource =
+ let -- An ad-hoc function. Should get dimmer as the light gets further away
+ -- or if `faceNormal` isn't pointing at the light.
+ brightness : Double
+ brightness =
+ normalize faceNormal ^.^
+ normalize (normalize lightSource.location ^-^ fromNormalized locationOnFace)
+ in if brightness >= 0
+ then Just $ brightness *^ lightSource.colour
+ else Nothing
+||| `faceNormal` should be pointed so that points `p` with
+||| `p ^.^ faceNormal > 0` are on the side of the face that will be drawn
+||| (should be the outside).
+illuminateFace : UseLightColour attributes =>
+ List LightSource -> (faceNormal : Vector 4 Double) ->
+ AttributeBuilder attributes -> AttributeBuilder attributes
+illuminateFace {attributes}
+ lightSources faceNormal attributeBuilder
+ vertexCoordinates =
+ let totalLight =
+ sumVectorsFrom [0, 0, 0] $
+ mapMaybe (faceIlluminationFromLight faceNormal vertexCoordinates.absolute)
+ lightSources
+ in useLightColour totalLight $ attributeBuilder vertexCoordinates
+illuminateFacePair : UseLightColour attributes =>
+ List LightSource ->
+ (plane : Matrix 3 4 Double) ->
+ (faceAttributes : Vect 2 (AttributeBuilder attributes)) ->
+ Vect 2 (AttributeBuilder attributes)
+ lightSources plane [positiveFaceAttributes, negativeFaceAttributes] =
+ let planeNormal = cross $ matrixToVectors plane
+ in [ illuminateFace lightSources (negateVector planeNormal)
+ positiveFaceAttributes
+ , illuminateFace lightSources planeNormal
+ negativeFaceAttributes
+ ]
+interface Illuminate t where
+ illuminate : List LightSource -> t -> t
+UseLightColour attributes =>
+ -- This should also work with the `pretriangulated` type argument
+ -- set to False, but the compiler complains if we replace `True`
+ -- with a variable here.
+ Illuminate (DrawablePolyhedron numplanes attributes True)
+ illuminate lightSources polyhedron =
+ { faceAttributes :=
+ zipWith (illuminateFacePair lightSources)
+ polyhedron.polyhedron.planes
+ polyhedron.faceAttributes
+ }
+ polyhedron
+UseLightColour attributes =>
+ Illuminate (PhysicalPolyhedron numplanes attributes True)
+ illuminate lightSources =
+ {drawablePolyhedron $= illuminate lightSources}
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blob + 0544d80b4cb390b1d476345bedd1e926a3dcd572 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Numbers.idr
+module S3D.Numbers
+import Data.Fin
+%default total
+finToInt16 : Fin n -> Int16
+finToInt16 = cast . finToInteger
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blob + 4b496cf0db5dec9d789e153c0e2a4724924d8bea (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Obstacles.idr
+module S3D.Obstacles
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.Linear.SizedArray
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Transformable
+import SolidGeometry.HalfSpace
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Sign
+%default total
+||| A `Polyhedron`, except:
+||| - `numPlanes` is a data member, not part of the type.
+||| - The planes are given with an "implicit" representation --- i.e. a vector
+||| you take a dot product with.
+record ObstaclePolyhedron where
+ constructor MkObstaclePolyhedron
+ {numPlanes : Nat}
+ planes : Vect numPlanes (Vector 4 Double)
+ inside : (Fin numPlanes -> Sign) -> InOutSide
+Transformable ObstaclePolyhedron where
+ transform matrix = {planes $= map (matrixInverse matrix !*^)}
+convertPolyhedron : {numPlanes : Nat} -> Polyhedron numPlanes -> ObstaclePolyhedron
+convertPolyhedron polyhedron =
+ MkObstaclePolyhedron
+ { numPlanes = _
+ , planes = map (negateVector . cross . matrixToVectors) polyhedron.planes
+ , inside = polyhedron.inside
+ }
+pointInsidePolyhedron : Vector 4 Double -> ObstaclePolyhedron -> InOutSide
+pointInsidePolyhedron position polyhedron =
+ let sides : SizedIArray polyhedron.numPlanes Sign
+ sides = fromVect
+ [ softSign $ position ^.^ plane
+ | plane <- polyhedron.planes
+ ]
+ in polyhedron.inside (read sides)
+data Obstacles = MkObstacles (List ObstaclePolyhedron)
+Semigroup Obstacles where
+ MkObstacles x <+> MkObstacles y = MkObstacles (x <+> y)
+Monoid Obstacles where
+ neutral = MkObstacles neutral
+Transformable Obstacles where
+ transform matrix (MkObstacles polyhedra) =
+ MkObstacles $ map (transform matrix) polyhedra
+makeObstacles : List (numPlanes : Nat ** Polyhedron numPlanes) -> Obstacles
+makeObstacles polyhedra =
+ MkObstacles
+ [ convertPolyhedron polyhedron
+ | (_ ** polyhedron) <- polyhedra
+ ]
+collision' : Vector 4 Double -> List ObstaclePolyhedron -> Bool
+collision' _ Nil = False
+collision' position (h :: t) =
+ case pointInsidePolyhedron position h of
+ Inside => True
+ Outside => collision' position t
+collision : Vector 4 Double -> Obstacles -> Bool
+collision v (MkObstacles o) = collision' v o
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blob + 85e96c5d59d45f6f871d1ac6baea980bd26628e1 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/PhysicalObject.idr
+module S3D.PhysicalObject
+import S3D.Figure
+import S3D.Obstacles
+%default total
+||| A PhysicalObject is a Figure for drawing together with an Obstacle for
+||| collision detection.
+public export
+record PhysicalObject where
+ constructor MkPhysicalObject
+ figure : Figure
+ obstacles : Obstacles
+concatPhysicalObjects : List PhysicalObject -> PhysicalObject
+concatPhysicalObjects objects =
+ MkPhysicalObject
+ { figure = concatFigures $ map figure objects
+ , obstacles = concat $ map obstacles objects
+ }
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blob + 9ecfab44b6795f9373a5bea29b68632052ef25b0 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/PhysicalPolyhedron.idr
+module S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+||| A `PhysicalPolyhedron attributes` is a `DrawablePolyhedron attributes` to
+||| draw, together with a `Polyhedron` to use for collision detection.
+||| We expose `drawableNumPlanes` as part of the type to make it easier to use
+||| `S3D.DrawablePolyhedron.drawPrecomputedPolyhedron` without having an
+||| argument with the type checker about whether the number of planes matches.
+||| Unlike a `PhysicalObject`, it is possible to perform constructive solid
+||| geometry operations on `PhysicalPolyhedron` values. The final result can be
+||| converted to a `PhysicalObject`.
+public export
+record PhysicalPolyhedron (drawableNumPlanes : Nat) (attributes : Type)
+ (pretriangulated : Bool)
+ constructor MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ drawablePolyhedron : DrawablePolyhedron drawableNumPlanes attributes
+ pretriangulated
+ {obstacleNumPlanes : Nat}
+ obstaclePolyhedron : Polyhedron obstacleNumPlanes
+addTriangulation : List (TriangulatedFace numPlanes) ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes attributes False ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes attributes True
+addTriangulation t = {drawablePolyhedron $= addTriangulation t}
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blob + f8d02b74d83c087ff700ffce4432d3334cf3db13 (mode 644)
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+++ src/S3D/PhysicalState.idr
+module S3D.PhysicalState
+import Data.IORef
+import S3D.Controls
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Obstacles
+import S3D.PlayerMovement
+import S3D.WebUI
+import System.Clock
+%default total
+-- How often to update the state.
+updatePeriod : Clock Duration
+updatePeriod = MkClock 0 100000000 -- 10 fps
+-- A time really far in the past.
+reallyEarly : {type : ClockType} -> Clock type
+reallyEarly = MkClock (-1000000000) 0
+toSeconds : Clock Duration -> Double
+toSeconds d = fromInteger (seconds d) + fromInteger (nanoseconds d) / 1000000000.0
+divideDurations : Clock Duration -> Clock Duration -> Double
+divideDurations d e = toSeconds d / toSeconds e
+public export
+record PhysicalState where
+ constructor MkPhysicalState
+ -- The last time physics was computed.
+ lastUpdateTime : Clock Monotonic
+ -- The next time it should be computed. Always lastUpdateTime + updatePeriod, except for initialState.
+ nextUpdateTime : Clock Monotonic
+ -- The player's state at lastUpdateTime.
+ lastPlacement : PlayerPlacement
+ -- The player's state at the next physics frame. Between physics frames, we
+ -- interpolate.
+ nextPlacement : PlayerPlacement
+ -- The corresponding view matrices.
+ lastViewMatrix, nextViewMatrix : Matrix 4 4 Double
+initialState : PhysicalState
+initialState =
+ MkPhysicalState
+ { lastUpdateTime = reallyEarly
+ , nextUpdateTime = reallyEarly
+ , lastPlacement = initialPlacement
+ , nextPlacement = initialPlacement
+ , lastViewMatrix = playerViewMatrix initialPlacement
+ , nextViewMatrix = playerViewMatrix initialPlacement
+ }
+-- time must be after physicalState.lastUpdateTime. Assuming that, the
+-- lastUpdateTime and nextUpdateTime fields of the output are guaranteed to be
+-- before (or equal to) and after (or equal to) time.
+updatePhysicalState :
+ HasIO io =>
+ Obstacles -> Clock Monotonic -> IORef UIState -> PhysicalState ->
+ io PhysicalState
+updatePhysicalState obstacles time uiStateRef physicalState =
+ if time < physicalState.nextUpdateTime
+ then pure physicalState
+ else
+ do nextPlacement' <- stepPlacement obstacles physicalState.nextPlacement
+ uiStateRef
+ pure $
+ let -- Ideally, we add updatePeriod to both times. But if time would
+ -- be outside that interval (meaning we're too slow to keep up),
+ -- we have to add more.
+ nextUpdateTime' = max time (addDuration physicalState.nextUpdateTime updatePeriod)
+ lastUpdateTime' = subtractDuration nextUpdateTime' updatePeriod
+ in MkPhysicalState
+ lastUpdateTime'
+ nextUpdateTime'
+ physicalState.nextPlacement
+ nextPlacement'
+ physicalState.nextViewMatrix
+ (playerViewMatrix nextPlacement')
+-- Returns the new state and a view matrix corresponding to the given
+-- timestamp. Between physics updates, the view matrix is interpolated.
+stepState :
+ HasIO io =>
+ Obstacles -> Clock Monotonic -> IORef UIState -> PhysicalState ->
+ io (Pair PhysicalState (Matrix 4 4 Double))
+stepState obstacles time uiStateRef physicalState =
+ do physicalState' <- updatePhysicalState obstacles time uiStateRef physicalState
+ pure $
+ let progressThroughUpdate = divideDurations (timeDifference time physicalState'.lastUpdateTime) updatePeriod
+ in ( physicalState'
+ , (1 - progressThroughUpdate) *! physicalState'.lastViewMatrix
+ !+! progressThroughUpdate *! physicalState'.nextViewMatrix
+ )
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blob + 34c8cde0d11f7f527852eca497bf5cb0ccd096b6 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Player.idr
+module S3D.Player
+%default total
+||| The distance from the floor to the player's eyes, in radians.
+playerHeight : Double
+playerHeight = pi * 3 / 32
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blob + 0bf2a1fce63a1059a5f1e1d7fec8d4c44e1e897a (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/PlayerMovement.idr
+Functions to help compute the player's position and orientation.
+Naming conventions for a movement M (e.g. M = MoveForward),
+* oneFrameM means do movement M an appropriate amount for one frame of a
+ corresponding key being held down.
+* touchM means do movement M an appropriate amount given a magnitude of a touch
+ gesture.
+The -y pole is always down.
+module S3D.PlayerMovement
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Player
+%default total
+moveStep, turnStepAngle, upDownLevelStep : Double
+-- How far the player moves in one frame, in radians.
+moveStep = pi / 60
+-- How much the player turns in one frame, in radians.
+turnStepAngle = pi / 15
+-- How much the player can turn their head up or down in one frame, in radians.
+upDownStep = pi / 20
+-- The player's position and orientation.
+record PlayerPlacement where
+ constructor MkPlayerPlacement
+ -- The player's position. Should have unit length.
+ position : Vector 4 Double
+ -- The direction the player's facing, not counting looking up or down. Should
+ -- have unit length and be perpendicular to both position and the y axis.
+ forward : Vector 4 Double
+ -- To the player's right. Computed from position and forward in
+ -- normalizePlacement.
+ right : Vector 4 Double
+ -- pi/2 if the player is looking straight up, -pi/2 if they're looking stright
+ -- down.
+ upDown : Double
+||| The player's position
+position : PlayerPlacement -> Vector 4 Double
+position player = player.position
+-- makeOrtho u v returns a vector orthogonal to u. u must have norm 1.
+makeOrtho : (Neg coord, Num coord) => Vector n coord -> Vector n coord -> Vector n coord
+makeOrtho u v = v ^-^ (u ^.^ v) *^ u
+-- Assumes placement.position is already normalized.
+normalizePlacement : PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+normalizePlacement placement =
+ { forward := normalize (makeOrtho [0, 1, 0, 0] (makeOrtho placement.position placement.forward))
+ , right := normalize $ cross [placement.position, placement.forward, [0, -1, 0, 0]]
+ }
+ placement
+-- Adjust the player's position so they are playerHeight radians above the ground.
+-- Input need not be normalized. Output will be normalized.
+adjustHeight : Vector 4 Double -> Vector 4 Double
+adjustHeight v =
+ let [x, y, z, w] = vectorToVect v
+ nonYNorm = norm $ the (Vector 3 Double) [x, z, w]
+ nonYMult = cos playerHeight / nonYNorm
+ in [x * nonYMult, sin playerHeight, z * nonYMult, w * nonYMult]
+initialPlacement : PlayerPlacement
+initialPlacement = normalizePlacement $
+ MkPlayerPlacement
+ { -- We avoid setting coordinates to zero to avoid an edge case where points
+ -- end with w=0 in view coordinates.
+ position = (adjustHeight [0.001, 0, -1, 0.0001])
+ , forward = [0, 0, 0, 1]
+ , right = [1, 0, 0, 0]
+ , upDown = 0
+ }
+-- Move the player the given distance (in radians) in the given direction.
+-- Direction should be unit length. If the player was looking up or down, they
+-- level out a bit.
+move : Double -> Vector 4 Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+move distance direction placement =
+ normalizePlacement $
+ { position := adjustHeight $
+ cos distance *^ placement.position ^+^
+ sin distance *^ direction
+ }
+ placement
+-- Move the player forward (sign=1) or backward (sign=-1).
+moveForward : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+moveForward amount placement = move amount placement.forward placement
+oneFrameMoveForward : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+oneFrameMoveForward sign = moveForward (sign * moveStep)
+touchMoveForward : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+touchMoveForward = moveForward
+-- Move the player right or left.
+strafe : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+strafe amount placement = move amount placement.right placement
+-- Move the player right (sign=1) or left (sign=-1).
+oneFrameStrafe : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+oneFrameStrafe sign = strafe (sign * moveStep)
+-- Move the player right or left.
+touchStrafe : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+touchStrafe = strafe
+-- Turn the player.
+turn : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+turn angle placement =
+ normalizePlacement $
+ { forward := cos angle *^ placement.forward ^+^
+ sin angle *^ placement.right
+ }
+ placement
+-- Turn the player right (sign=1) or left (sign=-1).
+oneFrameTurn : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+oneFrameTurn sign = turn (sign * turnStepAngle)
+-- Turn by an amount appropriate for a touch gesture.
+touchTurn : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+touchTurn = turn
+-- The player looks up or down.
+lookUp : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+lookUp angle =
+ { upDown $= \ ud => min (pi/2) (max (-pi/2) (ud + angle))
+ }
+-- The player looks up (sign=1) or down (sign=-1).
+oneFrameLookUp : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+oneFrameLookUp sign = lookUp (sign * upDownStep)
+-- Look up or down by an amount appropriate for a touch gesture.
+touchLookUp : Double -> PlayerPlacement -> PlayerPlacement
+touchLookUp = lookUp
+up : PlayerPlacement -> Vector 4 Double
+up placement =
+ normalize $ cross [placement.right, placement.position, placement.forward]
+playerViewMatrix : PlayerPlacement -> Matrix 4 4 Double
+playerViewMatrix placement =
+ -- The inverse of the matrix with columns (right, up, -position, forward).
+ -- Since everything's orthonormal, the transpose is the inverse.
+ let placementUp = up placement
+ cosUpDown = cos placement.upDown
+ sinUpDown = sin placement.upDown
+ in
+ transpose
+ [ placement.right
+ , cosUpDown *^ placementUp ^-^ sinUpDown *^ placement.forward
+ , negateVector placement.position
+ , cosUpDown *^ placement.forward ^+^ sinUpDown *^ placementUp
+ ]
+Show PlayerPlacement where
+ show placement = "pos: " ++ show placement.position ++ "; fwd: " ++ show placement.forward ++ "; right: " ++ show placement.right ++ "; up: " ++ show (up placement) ++ "; ud: " ++ show placement.upDown
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blob + c4a6a4bc029b42960e74970423ba0af69a1f1aec (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Polyhedra/Drawable.idr
+module S3D.Polyhedra.Drawable
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Attributes
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron.SimpleColour
+import S3D.Polyhedra
+%default total
+monochromeCube : Vector 4 Double -> DrawablePolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+monochromeCube colour =
+ makeSimpleColourPolyhedron cube (replicate _ (replicate 2 colour))
+monochromeTower : Vector 4 Double -> DrawablePolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+monochromeTower colour =
+ makeSimpleColourPolyhedron tower (replicate _ (replicate 2 colour))
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blob + cd0e8687288f983ae2232890c5be76cd0292de21 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Polyhedra/Precompute.idr
+module S3D.Polyhedra.Precompute
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.SortedMap
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Math.LinearAlgebra.Normalized
+import SolidGeometry.Polygon
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Sign
+%default total
+encodeList : (a -> String) -> List a -> String
+encodeList encodeItem list =
+ fastConcat [encodeItem item <+> " :: " | item <- list] <+> "Nil"
+encodeFaceId : FaceId numPlanes -> String
+encodeFaceId faceId =
+ fastConcat
+ [ "MkFaceId { planeIndex = "
+ , show faceId.planeIndex
+ , ", outside = "
+ , show faceId.outside
+ , "}"
+ ]
+encodeVertexCoordinates : VertexCoordinates -> String
+encodeVertexCoordinates c =
+ fastConcat
+ [ "MkVertexCoordinates { absolute = makeNormalized "
+ , show $ vectorToVect $ fromNormalized $ c.absolute
+ , ", faceCoordinates = makeNormalized "
+ , show $ vectorToVect $ fromNormalized $ c.faceCoordinates
+ , "}"
+ ]
+encodeTriangle : {0 numVertices : Nat} -> Triangle (Fin numVertices) -> String
+encodeTriangle (MkTriangle a b c) =
+ fastConcat
+ [ "MkTriangle "
+ , show a
+ , " "
+ , show b
+ , " "
+ , show c
+ ]
+encodeTriangulatedFace : TriangulatedFace numPlanes -> String
+encodeTriangulatedFace face =
+ fastConcat
+ [ "MkTriangulatedFace { faceId = "
+ , encodeFaceId face.faceId
+ , ", vertices = "
+ , encodeList encodeVertexCoordinates $ toList face.vertices
+ , ", triangles = "
+ , encodeList encodeTriangle face.triangles
+ , "}"
+ ]
+encodeTriangulation : List (TriangulatedFace numPlanes) -> String
+encodeTriangulation = encodeList encodeTriangulatedFace
+precomputeOnePolyhedron : (name : String) ->
+ (numPlanes : Nat) ->
+ (polyhedron : Polyhedron numPlanes) ->
+ Either String String
+precomputeOnePolyhedron name numPlanes polyhedron =
+ pure $
+ "export\n" <+>
+ name <+> " : List (TriangulatedFace " <+> show numPlanes <+> ")\n" <+>
+ name <+> " = " <+> encodeTriangulation !(triangulate polyhedron) <+> "\n"
+||| Returns Idris source for a module named `moduleName` defining a `List
+||| (TriangulatedFace numPlanes)` for each of the polyhedra in the map, using
+||| the map keys as identifiers.
+||| This allows triangulations to be precomputed and baked into a compiled
+||| program.
+export partial
+precomputePolyhedra :
+ (polyhedra : SortedMap String (numPlanes : Nat ** Polyhedron numPlanes)) ->
+ (moduleName : String) ->
+ Either String String
+precomputePolyhedra polyhedra moduleName =
+ do precomputedPolyhedra <- sequence
+ [ precomputeOnePolyhedron name numPlanes polyhedron
+ | (name, (numPlanes ** polyhedron)) <- SortedMap.toList polyhedra
+ ]
+ pure $
+ fastConcat $
+ [ "module "
+ , moduleName
+ , "\n\n"
+ ]
+ <+>
+ [ "import " <+> m <+> "\n"
+ | m <- [ "Data.Fin", "Data.Vect", "Math.LinearAlgebra"
+ , "Math.LinearAlgebra.Normalized"
+ , "SolidGeometry.Polygon", "SolidGeometry.Polyhedron"
+ , "SolidGeometry.Sign"
+ ]
+ ]
+ <+>
+ [ "\n%default total\n\n"
+ ]
+ <+>
+ precomputedPolyhedra
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blob + ad91fd043c1912ba69b05ce0f38ec9f466e72fa1 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Polyhedra/ToPrecompute.idr
+||| A collection of polyhedra to precompute.
+module S3D.Polyhedra.ToPrecompute
+import Data.SortedMap
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Attributes
+import S3D.Polyhedra
+import S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.Kitchen
+import S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.LivingRoom
+import S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.Walls
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+export partial
+toPrecompute : SortedMap String (numPlanes : Nat ** Polyhedron numPlanes)
+toPrecompute =
+ fromList
+ [ ( "cube"
+ , (_ ** cube)
+ )
+ , ( "houseCouch"
+ , (_ ** couch.drawablePolyhedron.polyhedron)
+ )
+ , ( "houseFrontWall"
+ , (_ ** frontWall.drawablePolyhedron.polyhedron)
+ )
+ , ( "houseKitchenCounter"
+ , (_ ** counter.drawablePolyhedron.polyhedron)
+ )
+ , ( "wallWithDoor"
+ , (_ ** wallWithDoor.drawablePolyhedron.polyhedron)
+ )
+ , ( "wallWithOneWindow"
+ , (_ ** wallWithOneWindow.drawablePolyhedron.polyhedron)
+ )
+ , ( "wallWithWindows"
+ , (_ ** wallWithWindows.drawablePolyhedron.polyhedron)
+ )
+ ]
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blob + cbc474937f7c29152ec108768d96fc6dfff8e791 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Polyhedra.idr
+-- Some polyhedra.
+module S3D.Polyhedra
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.Nat
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import SolidGeometry.HalfSpace
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Sign
+%default total
+0 lteAddLeft : (n, m : Nat) -> n `LTE` m + n
+lteAddLeft n m = plusLteMonotoneRight n Z m LTEZero
+allNegativeFrom : (n : Nat) -> (Fin (m + n) -> Sign) -> Bool
+allNegativeFrom Z _ = True
+allNegativeFrom (S n') f =
+ let 0 nLteMPlusN : n `LTE` m + n
+ nLteMPlusN = lteAddLeft n m
+ in case f (natToFinLT n' {prf = nLteMPlusN}) of
+ Positive => False
+ Negative => allNegativeFrom {m = S m} n' $
+ rewrite plusSuccRightSucc m n' in f
+allNegative : {n : Nat} -> (Fin n -> Sign) -> Bool
+allNegative = allNegativeFrom {m = 0} n
+||| Intended to be used as the `inside` field for a Polyhedron. Says you're
+||| inside iff you're on the `Negative` side of all faces.
+planeIntersection : {numPlanes : Nat} -> (Fin numPlanes -> Sign) -> InOutSide
+planeIntersection h =
+ if allNegative h then Inside else Outside
+||| The half-space of points whose y coordinate is positive. [0, 0, 1] in the
+||| plane's coordinate system maps to the w pole.
+positiveY : Polyhedron 1
+positiveY =
+ MkPolyhedron
+ { planes = [[[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]]
+ , inside = \sides =>
+ case sides FZ of
+ Positive => Inside
+ Negative => Outside
+ }
+||| A tetrahedron centred on [0, 0, 0, 1]. The closer to 0 the input is, the
+||| larger the tetrahedron.
+tetrahedron : Double -> Polyhedron 4
+tetrahedron w =
+ let a = [ 1, 1, 1, w] in
+ let b = [ 1, -1, -1, w] in
+ let c = [-1, 1, -1, w] in
+ let d = [-1, -1, 1, w] in
+ MkPolyhedron
+ [[a, c, b], [a, b, d], [a, d, c], [b, c, d]]
+ planeIntersection
+namespace Cube
+ a : Vector 4 Double
+ a = [1, 0, 0, 0]
+ b : Vector 4 Double
+ b = [0, 1, 0, 0]
+ c : Vector 4 Double
+ c = [0, 0, 1, 0]
+ wVector : Vector 4 Double
+ wVector = [0, 0, 0, 1]
+ wMatrix : Matrix 3 4 Double
+ wMatrix = [wVector, wVector, wVector]
+ ||| Given an order [d, e, f] of the three axes, returns two planes
+ ||| corresponding to d and -d.
+ sidesForAxes : Vect 3 (Vector 4 Double) -> Vect 2 (Matrix 3 4 Double)
+ sidesForAxes [d, e, f] =
+ let -- Three points on one of the sides, without the w part.
+ g : Vector 4 Double
+ g = d ^+^ e ^+^ f
+ h : Vector 4 Double
+ h = d ^+^ negateVector e ^+^ f
+ i : Vector 4 Double
+ i = d ^+^ e ^+^ negateVector f
+ in [[g, i, h] !+! wMatrix, negateMatrix [g, h, i] !+! wMatrix]
+ ||| A cube with corners at [+-1, +-1, +-1, 1].
+ export
+ cube : Polyhedron 6
+ cube =
+ let axisOrders : Vect 3 (Vect 3 (Vector 4 Double))
+ axisOrders = [[a, b, c], [b, c, a], [c, a, b]]
+ sides : Vect 6 (Matrix 3 4 Double)
+ sides = concat $ map sidesForAxes axisOrders
+ in MkPolyhedron sides planeIntersection
+ ||| Like cube, but ignoring y coordinates, so it extends from the -y pole to
+ ||| the y pole.
+ export
+ tower : Polyhedron 4
+ tower =
+ let axisOrders : Vect 2 (Vect 3 (Vector 4 Double))
+ axisOrders = [[a, b, c], [c, a, b]]
+ sides : Vect 4 (Matrix 3 4 Double)
+ sides = concat $ map sidesForAxes axisOrders
+ in MkPolyhedron sides planeIntersection
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--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/DiningRoom.idr
+module S3D.Scenes.House.DiningRoom
+import Data.Vect
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron.SimpleColour
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Polyhedra
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Precomputed
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+monochromeCube : Vector 4 Double -> DrawablePolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+monochromeCube colour =
+ addTriangulation Precomputed.cube $
+ makeSimpleColourPolyhedron cube (replicate _ (replicate 2 colour))
+top : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+top =
+ transform
+ ( diagonalMatrix [0.3, 0.01, 0.2, 1]
+ !*!
+ translate [0, 0.2, 0.4]
+ )
+ $
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron = monochromeCube [0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 1]
+ , obstaclePolyhedron = tower
+ }
+leg : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+leg =
+ transform
+ ( translate [0, 1, 0]
+ !*!
+ diagonalMatrix [0.02, 0.1, 0.02, 1]
+ )
+ $
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron = monochromeCube [0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 1]
+ , obstaclePolyhedron = emptyPolyhedron
+ }
+table : List ( numPlanes : Nat **
+ PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes SimpleColour.Attributes True
+ )
+table =
+ [ (_ ** top)
+ , (_ ** transform (translate [ 0.275, 0, 0.575]) leg)
+ , (_ ** transform (translate [ 0.275, 0, 0.225]) leg)
+ , (_ ** transform (translate [-0.275, 0, 0.575]) leg)
+ , (_ ** transform (translate [-0.275, 0, 0.225]) leg)
+ ]
+diningRoom : List ( numPlanes : Nat **
+ PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes SimpleColour.Attributes True
+ )
+diningRoom = table
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blob + bb91f63e172fb3d9aac78202107e5c21ff2260b3 (mode 644)
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+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/FloorLines.idr
+The floorLines function returns a Figure with bands of colour along the y=0
+plane (the "floor") connecting the +w and -w poles.
+module S3D.Scenes.House.FloorLines
+import Data.Vect
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import S3D.Figure
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+%default total
+finToDouble : Fin n -> Double
+finToDouble = fromInteger . finToInteger
+floorBand : Double -> Double -> Vector 4 Double -> DrawInput Attributes
+floorBand startAngle endAngle colour =
+ MkDrawInput
+ [T [0, 2, 3], T [1, 3, 2]]
+ [ MkAttributes
+ [0, 0, 0, 1]
+ colour
+ , MkAttributes
+ [0, 0, 0, -1]
+ colour
+ , MkAttributes
+ [cos startAngle, 0, sin startAngle, 0]
+ colour
+ , MkAttributes
+ [cos endAngle, 0, sin endAngle, 0]
+ colour
+ ]
+-- Input: the colours of the bands.
+floorLines : {n : Nat} -> Vect n (Vector 4 Double) -> Figure
+floorLines colours =
+ simpleColourFigure $
+ concatDrawInputs $ toList $
+ zipWith
+ ( \i, colour =>
+ floorBand (2 * pi * finToDouble i / cast n) (2 * pi * finToDouble (FS i) / cast n) colour
+ )
+ Data.Vect.Fin.range colours
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blob + 817380a225ac515783e20ad0eb4f2363838eccd4 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/Kitchen.idr
+module S3D.Scenes.House.Kitchen
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.Polyhedra
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Drawable
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Precomputed
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.Kitchen
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+%default total
+fridge : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+fridge =
+ transform
+ ( diagonalMatrix [0.15, 0.3, 0.1, 1] !*!
+ translate [0.65, 0.3, -0.75]
+ )
+ $
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron =
+ addTriangulation Precomputed.cube $
+ monochromeCube [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1]
+ , obstaclePolyhedron = tower
+ }
+kitchen : List (numPlanes : Nat ** PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes SimpleColour.Attributes True)
+kitchen =
+ [ (_ ** addTriangulation houseKitchenCounter counter)
+ , (_ ** fridge)
+ ]
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blob + 954bd75eedf924eac6143b3216aae8f3c0c780fa (mode 644)
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+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/LivingRoom.idr
+module S3D.Scenes.House.LivingRoom
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Precomputed
+import S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.LivingRoom
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+%default total
+livingRoom : List ( numPlanes : Nat **
+ PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes SimpleColour.Attributes True
+ )
+livingRoom =
+ [ ( _ **
+ transform (translate [0, 0, -0.68])
+ (addTriangulation houseCouch couch)
+ )
+ ]
blob - /dev/null
blob + 880f9dbfaf44cad10b16edc7f4576e9629149b37 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/Pantry.idr
+module S3D.Scenes.House.Pantry
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron.SimpleColour
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Polyhedra
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Drawable
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Precomputed
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+%default total
+box : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+box =
+ transform
+ ( diagonalMatrix [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 1] !*!
+ translate [0, 0.125, 0]
+ ) $
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron =
+ addTriangulation Precomputed.cube $
+ monochromeCube [0.7, 0.7, 0.85, 1]
+ , obstaclePolyhedron = tower
+ }
+pantry : List ( numPlanes : Nat **
+ PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes SimpleColour.Attributes True
+ )
+pantry =
+ [ (_ ** transform (translate [0.7, 0, 0.72]) box)
+ , ( _ **
+ transform
+ [ [cos (pi/20), 0, sin (pi/20), 0]
+ , [0, 1, 0, 0]
+ , [-sin (pi/20), 0, cos (pi/20), 0]
+ , [0.7, 0.25, 0.7, 1]
+ ]
+ box
+ )
+ , ( _ **
+ transform
+ [ [cos (pi/6), 0, sin (pi/6), 0]
+ , [0, 1, 0, 0]
+ , [-sin (pi/6), 0, cos (pi/6), 0]
+ , [-0.6, 0, 0.7, 1]
+ ]
+ box
+ )
+ ]
blob - /dev/null
blob + 249ab345d7c453d20884f58781704c2459c21c3b (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/ToPrecompute/Kitchen.idr
+module S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.Kitchen
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.CSG.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Attributes
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Polyhedra
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Drawable
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+||| Kitchen sink, to be subtracted from the counter
+sink : (xOffset : Double) -> PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+sink xOffset =
+ transform
+ [ [0.125, 0, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0.15, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0, 0.1, 0]
+ , [xOffset, 0.3, 0.18, 1]
+ ]
+ $
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron = monochromeCube [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1]
+ , obstaclePolyhedron = emptyPolyhedron
+ }
+||| The kitchen counter, placed in the middle of the kitchen. Transformed in
+||| S3D.Scenes.House.Kitchen.
+counter : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+counter =
+ -- Send [x, y, z, 1] to [x, y, -1+z, 1+z], so the top of the counter is level
+ -- with the windowsill. Just using LinearAlgebra.translate would make it
+ -- slanted compared the windowsill.
+ transform
+ [ [1, 0, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 1, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0, 1, 1]
+ , [0, 0, -1, 1]
+ ]
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ sink (-0.2))
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ sink (-0.47))
+ $
+ transform
+ [ [0.5, 0, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0.3, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0, 0.15, 0]
+ , [-0.5, 0, 0.15, 1]
+ ]
+ $
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron = monochromeCube [0.5, 0.9, 0.5, 1]
+ , obstaclePolyhedron = tower
+ }
blob - /dev/null
blob + f3cb971cee11e17bee7ed918dd327a3af33d39e2 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/ToPrecompute/LivingRoom.idr
+module S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.LivingRoom
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.CSG.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Attributes
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Polyhedra
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Drawable
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.Transformable.Polyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+||| A couch sitting at (0, 0, 0, 1) facing toward (0, 0, 1, 0).
+couch : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+couch =
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron =
+ DrawablePolyhedron.intersect
+ ( DrawablePolyhedron.complement $
+ transform
+ [ [0.4, 0, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0.15, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0, 0.2, 0]
+ , [0, 0.3, 0.1, 1]
+ ]
+ $
+ monochromeCube [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1]
+ )
+ $
+ ( transform
+ [ [0.5, 0, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0.15, 0, 0]
+ , [0, 0, 0.2, 0]
+ , [0, 0.15, 0, 1]
+ ]
+ $
+ monochromeCube [0.4, 0.4, 0.9, 1]
+ )
+ , obstaclePolyhedron =
+ transform (diagonalMatrix [0.5, 1, 0.2, 1]) tower
+ }
blob - /dev/null
blob + c53a528067757594398a9656db96366c1391d1ac (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/ToPrecompute/Walls.idr
+||| Walls for the house. Lighting is applied in the S3D.Scenes.House.Walls
+||| module.
+module S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.Walls
+import S3D.CSG.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron.SimpleColour
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour.Attributes
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Polyhedra
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Drawable
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Transformable.Polyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Construct
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+doorway : Vector 4 Double -> PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+doorway colour =
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron =
+ -- Send [+-1, y, +-1, 1] to [+-0.15, {-0.6, 0.6}, 1-y, 1+y].
+ transform
+ [[0.15, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 1], [0, 0.6, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1]]
+ $
+ monochromeTower colour
+ , obstaclePolyhedron =
+ -- Two planes constraining x coordinate to be between -1/8 and 1/8 at the
+ -- middle of the wall [0,0,1,1].
+ intersect
+ ( transform
+ [[0, -1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [-1/16, 0, 1, 0], [-1/16, 0, 0, 1]]
+ positiveY
+ )
+ ( transform
+ [[0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0], [1/16, 0, 1, 0], [1/16, 0, 0, 1]]
+ positiveY
+ )
+ }
+||| A window shape to cut out. Ignored for collision detection.
+window : (xOffset, yOffset, width, height : Double) ->
+ PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+window xOffset yOffset width height =
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron =
+ -- Send [+-1, y, +-1, 1] to [xOffset+-width, yOffset+-height, 1-y, 1+y].
+ transform
+ [[width, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 1], [0, height, 0, 0], [xOffset, yOffset, 1, 1]] $
+ monochromeTower [1, 1, 1, 1]
+ , obstaclePolyhedron = emptyPolyhedron
+ }
+||| A tall window shape to cut out, paramaterized by x coordinate. Ignored for
+||| collision detection.
+sideWindow : (xOffset : Double) -> PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+sideWindow xOffset = window xOffset (1/2) (1/8) (1/4)
+||| A small window shape to cut out, paramaterized by x and y coordinates.
+||| Ignored for collision detection.
+smallWindow : (xOffset, yOffset : Double) -> PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+smallWindow xOffset yOffset = window xOffset yOffset 0.07 0.07
+||| A wall that counts for drawing and collision detection.
+blankWall : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+blankWall =
+ -- Send [+-1, +-1, +-1, 1] to [+-1, {0,1}, 1, 1] plus or minus [0, 0, 1/32, -1/32].
+ transform [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1/32, -1/32], [0, 0.5, 1, 1]] $
+ MkPhysicalPolyhedron
+ { drawablePolyhedron = monochromeCube [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1]
+ , obstaclePolyhedron = tower
+ }
+wallWithWindows : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+wallWithWindows =
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ window 0.5 0.6 0.25 0.25)
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ window (-0.5) 0.6 0.25 0.25)
+ $
+ blankWall
+wallWithOneWindow : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+wallWithOneWindow =
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ window 0.4 0.6 0.25 0.25)
+ $
+ blankWall
+wallWithDoor : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+wallWithDoor =
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ doorway [0.8, 0.8, 1, 1])
+ $
+ blankWall
+frontWall : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes False
+frontWall =
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ sideWindow (-0.4))
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ sideWindow (-0.7))
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ sideWindow 0.4)
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ sideWindow 0.7)
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ smallWindow 0.08 0.72)
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ smallWindow (-0.08) 0.72)
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ smallWindow 0.08 0.88)
+ $
+ PhysicalPolyhedron.intersect
+ (PhysicalPolyhedron.complement $ smallWindow (-0.08) 0.88)
+ $
+ wallWithDoor
blob - /dev/null
blob + 0ace1f546be3879e7ddf09b50201d5cd6912c2c5 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/Walls.idr
+module S3D.Scenes.House.Walls
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Math.LinearAlgebra.RotateAxes
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.Figure
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import S3D.Obstacles
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Polyhedra.Precomputed
+import S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.Walls
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+-- Precomputed versions of the walls defined in S3D.Scenes.House.ToPrecompute.Walls.
+frontWall' : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+frontWall' =
+ addTriangulation Precomputed.houseFrontWall frontWall
+wallWithDoor' : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+wallWithDoor' =
+ addTriangulation Precomputed.wallWithDoor wallWithDoor
+wallWithOneWindow' : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+wallWithOneWindow' =
+ addTriangulation Precomputed.wallWithOneWindow wallWithOneWindow
+wallWithWindows' : PhysicalPolyhedron ? SimpleColour.Attributes True
+wallWithWindows' =
+ addTriangulation Precomputed.wallWithWindows wallWithWindows
+-- For each wall we haven't customized, a transformation to apply to the
+-- generic wallWithDoor shape.
+genericWallTransformations : List (Matrix 4 4 Double)
+genericWallTransformations =
+ [ identityMatrix 4
+ , rotateAxes 0 2
+ , rotateAxes 0 3
+ , rotateAxes 2 0
+ , rotateAxes 3 0
+ , rotateAxes 3 2
+ ]
+ ++ map (diagonalMatrix [1, 1, -1, -1] !*!)
+ [ rotateAxes 0 2
+ , rotateAxes 2 0
+ ]
+walls : List
+ ( numPlanes : Nat **
+ PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes SimpleColour.Attributes True
+ )
+walls =
+ (_ ** transform (rotateAxes 2 3) frontWall') ::
+ ( _ **
+ transform (diagonalMatrix [1, 1, -1, -1] !*! rotateAxes 3 0)
+ wallWithOneWindow'
+ ) ::
+ [ (_ ** transform t wallWithWindows')
+ | t <-
+ map (diagonalMatrix [1, 1, -1, -1] !*!)
+ [ identityMatrix 4
+ , rotateAxes 0 3
+ ]
+ ] ++
+ [ (_ ** transform t wallWithDoor')
+ | t <- genericWallTransformations
+ ]
blob - /dev/null
blob + 6f5c761e54fe4c994aa7486315317d0e2f86e42a (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House/Yard.idr
+module S3D.Scenes.House.Yard
+import Control.Order.Fold
+import Data.List
+import Data.Vect
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import S3D.Figure
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Transformable
+%default total
+-- System.Random.prim__randomDouble doesn't seem to be implemented (yet?) so
+-- roll our own for now.
+-- A random Double in (0, 1).
+%foreign "javascript:lambda:() => Math.random()"
+prim__randomDouble : PrimIO Double
+randomDouble : HasIO io => io Double
+randomDouble = primIO prim__randomDouble
+moveNearZPole : Vector 3 Double -> Vector 3 Double
+moveNearZPole v =
+ let [x, y, z] = vectorToVect v in
+ case argmax (map abs (vectorToVect v)) of
+ 0 => [z, y, abs x]
+ 1 => [x, z, abs y]
+ 2 => [x, y, abs z]
+-- Move an object from [0, 0, 0, 1] to the given location.
+moveTo : Transformable a => Vector 4 Double -> a -> a
+moveTo location =
+ let newX = normalize (cross [location, [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
+ newZ = normalize (cross [location, newX, [0, 1, 0, 0]])
+ in transform [newX, [0, 1, 0, 0], newZ, location]
+-- Sample from the standard normal distribution using the Box-Muller transform.
+sampleStandardNormal : HasIO io => io Double
+sampleStandardNormal =
+ do x <- randomDouble
+ y <- randomDouble
+ pure (sqrt (-2 * log x) * cos (2 * pi * y))
+randomPointOnSphere : HasIO io => {n : Nat} -> io (Vector (S n) Double)
+randomPointOnSphere =
+ do normalDistributionSample <- sequence $ replicate (S n) sampleStandardNormal
+ pure $ normalize $ vectToVector normalDistributionSample
+-- A random location for a blade of grass.
+randomGrassBladeLocation : HasIO io => io (Vector 4 Double)
+randomGrassBladeLocation =
+ do -- Pick a random place on the 2-sphere (fix y=0). Then, apply the
+ -- moveNearZPole function so that it ends up within the yard.
+ [x, z, w] <- map (vectorToVect . moveNearZPole) $ randomPointOnSphere {n=2}
+ pure $ [x, 0, z, w]
+grassColour : Vector 4 Double
+grassColour = [0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1]
+-- A blade of grass
+grassBlade : DrawInput Attributes
+grassBlade =
+ MkDrawInput
+ [T [0, 1, 2]]
+ [ MkAttributes
+ (normalize [-0.0015, 0, 0, 1])
+ grassColour
+ , MkAttributes
+ (normalize [0.0015, 0, 0, 1])
+ grassColour
+ , MkAttributes
+ (normalize [0, 0.02, 0, 1])
+ grassColour
+ ]
+-- A blade of grass with a random location and orientation.
+randomGrassBlade : HasIO io => io (DrawInput Attributes)
+randomGrassBlade =
+ do location <- randomGrassBladeLocation
+ orientation <- map (2 * pi *) randomDouble
+ pure $
+ moveTo location $
+ transform
+ [ [cos orientation, 0, sin orientation, 0]
+ , [0, 1, 0, 0]
+ , [-sin orientation, 0, cos orientation, 0]
+ , [0, 0, 0, 1]
+ ]
+ grassBlade
+grass : HasIO io => io Figure
+grass =
+ let numBlades = 400
+ in
+ map (simpleColourFigure . concatDrawInputs) $
+ sequence (replicate numBlades randomGrassBlade)
+yard : HasIO io => io Figure
+yard = grass
blob - /dev/null
blob + 93c07be1fac9ace00cd19f6b349273e8591aa721 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Scenes/House.idr
+The y=0 plane is the floor.
+Each room is initially set up at the w pole, then transformed to its final
+location. Each wall is initially set up so its bottom runs along the line from
+[-1,0,1,1] to [1,0,1,1], and then is similarly transformed.
+* +x pole: dining room
+* -x pole: kitchen
+* +z pole: living room
+* -z pole: yard
+* +w pole: entrance
+* -w pole: bedroom
+The typical ceiling for a room at the +w pole is at points of the form
+[x, 1, z, 1] where x and z are between -1 and 1. That means the ceiling height
+varies from pi/4 radians in the middle of the room down to pi/6 radians at the
+corner of the room.
+We'll say 1 metre = pi / 16 radians, so:
+- The typical ceiling height ranges from 2.7m to 4m.
+- The walls are 6.3m long at the floor and 5.3m at the ceiling.
+module S3D.Scenes.House
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.List
+import Data.Vect
+import S3D.DrawInput
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.GLProgram.SimpleColour
+import S3D.Figure
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Math.LinearAlgebra.RotateAxes
+import S3D.Lighting
+import S3D.Lighting.SimpleColour
+import S3D.Obstacles
+import S3D.PhysicalObject
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Scenes.House.DiningRoom
+import S3D.Scenes.House.FloorLines
+import S3D.Scenes.House.Kitchen
+import S3D.Scenes.House.LivingRoom
+import S3D.Scenes.House.Pantry
+import S3D.Scenes.House.Walls
+import S3D.Scenes.House.Yard
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+lights : List LightSource
+lights =
+ [ MkLightSource { location = [0, 1.5, -1, 0]
+ , colour = [1.2, 1.2, 0.8]
+ }
+ , MkLightSource { location = [0, 1.5, 1, 0]
+ , colour = [0.8, 0.8, 1.2]
+ }
+ , MkLightSource { location = [0, 1.5, 0, -1]
+ , colour = [0.5, 0.3, 0.3]
+ }
+ ]
+entrance : List (numPlanes : Nat ** PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes SimpleColour.Attributes True)
+entrance = []
+floorColours : Vect 32 (Vector 4 Double)
+floorColours =
+ fromList $ concat $ map concat $ the (List (List (List (Vector 4 Double))))
+ [ -- dining room
+ replicate 2 [[1, 0.9, 0.8, 1], [0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 1]]
+ , -- living room
+ replicate 4 [[0.3, 0.5, 1, 1], [0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1]]
+ , -- kitchen
+ replicate 4 [[0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1], [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1]]
+ , -- yard
+ replicate 4 [[0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1], [0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 1]]
+ , -- dining room, again
+ replicate 2 [[1, 0.9, 0.8, 1], [0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 1]]
+ ]
+physicalPolyhedra : List
+ ( numPlanes : Nat **
+ PhysicalPolyhedron numPlanes SimpleColour.Attributes True
+ )
+physicalPolyhedra =
+ walls ++
+ [ (numPlanes ** transform t polyhedron)
+ | (room, t) <-
+ the (List (_, Matrix 4 4 Double))
+ [ (entrance, identityMatrix 4)
+ , (livingRoom, rotateAxes 3 0)
+ , (kitchen, rotateAxes 0 3)
+ , (pantry, rotateAxes 3 2)
+ , (diningRoom, diagonalMatrix [1, 1, -1, -1])
+ ]
+ , (numPlanes ** polyhedron) <- room
+ ]
+physicalPolyhedraFigure : Figure
+physicalPolyhedraFigure =
+ simpleColourFigure $ concatDrawInputs
+ [ drawPrecomputedPolyhedron $
+ illuminate lights p.drawablePolyhedron
+ | (_ ** p) <- physicalPolyhedra
+ ]
+physicalPolyhedraObstacles : Obstacles
+physicalPolyhedraObstacles =
+ makeObstacles [(_ ** p.obstaclePolyhedron) | (_ ** p) <- physicalPolyhedra]
+theHouse : HasIO io => io PhysicalObject
+theHouse =
+ pure $
+ MkPhysicalObject
+ { figure =
+ concatFigures
+ [ physicalPolyhedraFigure
+ , floorLines floorColours
+ , transform (rotateAxes 2 3) !yard
+ ]
+ , obstacles = physicalPolyhedraObstacles
+ }
blob - /dev/null
blob + fa7d97daa8d6a2c315790b746f1dfee1d7860705 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Transformable/DrawablePolyhedron.idr
+module S3D.Transformable.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.Polyhedron
+import S3D.Transformable.TriangulatedFace
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+(pretriangulated : Bool) =>
+ Transformable (DrawablePolyhedron numPlanes attributes pretriangulated)
+ transform matrix with (pretriangulated)
+ transform matrix | False =
+ {polyhedron $= transform matrix}
+ transform matrix | True =
+ { polyhedron $= transform matrix
+ , triangulation $= map (transform matrix)
+ }
blob - /dev/null
blob + 16b12de5e7231d5c7c63ba011895b4d33d08d9b5 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Transformable/PhysicalObject.idr
+module S3D.Transformable.PhysicalObject
+import S3D.Figure
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Obstacles
+import S3D.PhysicalObject
+import S3D.Transformable
+%default total
+Transformable PhysicalObject where
+ transform matrix = {figure $= transform matrix, obstacles $= transform matrix}
blob - /dev/null
blob + b0efd1b8225f6704c9e75a693d51301033c79f42 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Transformable/PhysicalPolyhedron.idr
+module S3D.Transformable.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.DrawablePolyhedron
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.PhysicalPolyhedron
+import S3D.Transformable
+import S3D.Transformable.DrawablePolyhedron
+import S3D.Transformable.Polyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+(pretriangulated : Bool) =>
+ Transformable (PhysicalPolyhedron n attributes pretriangulated) where
+ transform matrix =
+ { drawablePolyhedron $= transform matrix
+ , obstaclePolyhedron $= transform matrix
+ }
blob - /dev/null
blob + 42e18cd9a887b03057fac2b02e27c596f99cad60 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Transformable/Polyhedron.idr
+-- Transformable instance for `Polyhedron`.
+module S3D.Transformable.Polyhedron
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.Transformable
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+Transformable (Polyhedron numPlanes) where
+ transform matrix = { planes $= map (!*! matrix) }
blob - /dev/null
blob + 08f7ff362c80450565f51fc03105b71cfbc6ff66 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/S3D/Transformable/TriangulatedFace.idr
+module S3D.Transformable.TriangulatedFace
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Math.LinearAlgebra.Normalized
+import S3D.Transformable
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+%default total
+Transformable VertexCoordinates where
+ transform matrix = {absolute $= makeNormalized . transform matrix . fromNormalized}
+Transformable (TriangulatedFace numPlanes) where
+ transform matrix = {vertices $= map (transform matrix)}
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+++ src/S3D/Transformable.idr
+Class for types that it makes sense to apply a 4D linear transformation to. The
+matrix is applied on the right-hand side, since this works better with the GL
+point of view.
+Generally, anything position-related is transformed, but other attributes like
+colours are unaffected.
+module S3D.Transformable
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+%default total
+public export
+interface Transformable a where
+ ||| If positive/negative orientation of the object being transformed matters,
+ ||| make sure the determinant of the transformation matrix is positive.
+ transform : Matrix 4 4 Double -> a -> a
+Transformable (Vector 4 Double) where
+ transform matrix vector = vector ^*! matrix
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blob + 789216569320ec6817459648edf4441dda880d6e (mode 644)
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+++ src/S3D/WebUI.idr
+module S3D.WebUI
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Vect
+import Data.SortedSet
+import JS
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import S3D.DomExtras
+import Web.Html
+import Web.Dom
+import Web.Raw.UIEvents
+%default total
+||| We ignore touches if there are more than this many touches active.
+public export
+maxTouches : Nat
+maxTouches = 2
+-- Mutable state managed by the UI code. The init function sets up event
+-- handlers which update the state field of the UIContext record it returns.
+public export
+record UIState where
+ constructor MkUIState
+ keysDown : SortedSet String
+ ||| The centre of the current touches.
+ touchCentre : Vector 2 Double
+ ||| index (numTouches-1) numDeltas is how much touchCentre has changed since
+ ||| the last physics update while numTouches touches were active.
+ touchDeltas : Vect WebUI.maxTouches (Vector 2 Double)
+public export
+record UIContext where
+ constructor MkUIContext
+ canvas : HTMLCanvasElement
+ gl : WebGL2RenderingContext
+ state : IORef UIState
+makeCanvas : JSIO HTMLCanvasElement
+makeCanvas =
+ do canvas <- createElement Canvas
+ ignore (appendChild (!body) canvas)
+ width canvas .= 300
+ height canvas .= 300
+ pure canvas
+getGl2Context : HTMLCanvasElement -> JSIO WebGL2RenderingContext
+getGl2Context canvas =
+ do context <- unMaybe "getContext" $ Html.HTMLCanvasElement.getContext canvas "webgl2" Undef
+ case context of
+ (S (S (S (Z gl)))) => pure gl
+ _ => throwError $ Caught "Got wrong context type."
+handleKeyDown : IORef UIState -> Event -> JSIO ()
+handleKeyDown stateRef event =
+ do keyboardEvent <- unMaybe "cast keyboard event" $ pure (safeCast event)
+ theKey <- Web.Raw.UIEvents.KeyboardEvent.key keyboardEvent
+ modifyIORef stateRef $ { keysDown $= insert theKey }
+handleKeyUp : IORef UIState -> Event -> JSIO ()
+handleKeyUp stateRef event =
+ do keyboardEvent <- unMaybe "cast keyboard event" $ pure (safeCast event)
+ theKey <- Web.Raw.UIEvents.KeyboardEvent.key keyboardEvent
+ modifyIORef stateRef $ { keysDown $= delete theKey }
+handleFocusout : IORef UIState -> Event -> JSIO ()
+handleFocusout stateRef event =
+ modifyIORef stateRef $ { keysDown := empty }
+natsBelow' : List Nat -> Nat -> List Nat
+natsBelow' acc Z = acc
+natsBelow' acc (S n) = natsBelow' (n :: acc) n
+natsBelow : Nat -> List Nat
+natsBelow = natsBelow' []
+touchListCentre : TouchList -> JSIO (Vector 2 Double)
+touchListCentre touchList =
+ do numTouches <- getNumTouches touchList
+ locations <- sequence
+ [ do touch <- getTouchItem touchList i
+ x <- getClientX touch
+ y <- getClientY touch
+ -- TODO: get canvas size instead of hard-coding
+ pure [cast x / 150, - cast y / 150]
+ | i <- natsBelow numTouches
+ ]
+ pure $ sumVectorsFrom [0, 0] locations ^/ cast numTouches
+handleTouchStartEnd : IORef UIState -> Event -> JSIO ()
+handleTouchStartEnd stateRef event =
+ do preventDefault event
+ touchList <- getTouchList event
+ centre <- touchListCentre touchList
+ modifyIORef stateRef {touchCentre := centre}
+handleTouchMove : IORef UIState -> Event -> JSIO ()
+handleTouchMove stateRef event =
+ do preventDefault event
+ touchList <- getTouchList event
+ newCentre <- touchListCentre touchList
+ numTouches@(S numTouchesMinusOne) <- getNumTouches touchList
+ | Z => pure ()
+ case isLTE numTouches maxTouches of
+ No _ => pure ()
+ Yes lte =>
+ let numTouchesMinusOne' : Fin WebUI.maxTouches
+ numTouchesMinusOne' = natToFinLT numTouchesMinusOne
+ in modifyIORef stateRef $ \state =>
+ { touchCentre := newCentre
+ , touchDeltas $= updateAt numTouchesMinusOne'
+ (^+^ (newCentre ^-^ state.touchCentre))
+ }
+ state
+init : JSIO UIContext
+init =
+ do canvas <- makeCanvas
+ gl <- getGl2Context canvas
+ state <- newIORef $
+ MkUIState
+ { keysDown = empty
+ , touchCentre = [0, 0]
+ , touchDeltas = replicate _ [0, 0]
+ }
+ theDocument <- document
+ -- Keyboard events
+ addEventListener' theDocument "keydown" (Just !(callback (handleKeyDown state)))
+ addEventListener' theDocument "keyup" (Just !(callback (handleKeyUp state)))
+ addEventListener' theDocument "focusout" (Just !(callback (handleFocusout state)))
+ -- Touch events
+ addEventListener' canvas "touchstart" (Just !(callback (handleTouchStartEnd state)))
+ addEventListener' canvas "touchend" (Just !(callback (handleTouchStartEnd state)))
+ addEventListener' canvas "touchcancel" (Just !(callback (handleTouchStartEnd state)))
+ addEventListener' canvas "touchmove" (Just !(callback (handleTouchMove state)))
+ pure $
+ MkUIContext
+ { canvas = canvas
+ , gl = gl
+ , state = state
+ }
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blob + 455b9621236af4e219aa0253ccfd98a61cfa95dc (mode 644)
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+++ src/SolidGeometry/Circle.idr
+module SolidGeometry.Circle
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.Linear.SizedArray
+import Data.List
+import Data.List1
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import SolidGeometry.Sign
+%default total
+public export
+data CircleEdges : Nat -> Type where
+ AllOneWay : Sign -> CircleEdges n
+ Edges : List ((Fin n, Sign), (Fin n, Sign)) -> CircleEdges n
+Eq (CircleEdges n) where
+ AllOneWay s0 == AllOneWay s1 = s0 == s1
+ AllOneWay _ == Edges _ = False
+ Edges _ == AllOneWay _ = False
+ Edges e0 == Edges e1 = e0 == e1
+Show (CircleEdges n) where
+ show (AllOneWay s) = "AllOneWay " <+> show s
+ show (Edges e) = "Edges (" <+> show e <+> ")"
+-- circleToLine and compareLocations define a total order on positions on
+-- the circle, starting at [1, 0], then visiting [0, 1], [-1, 0] and [0,
+-- -1] in that order.
+circleToLine : Vector 2 Double -> Double
+circleToLine v =
+ let [x, y] = vectorToVect v in
+ if y == 0 && x > 0
+ then 0
+ else case (softSign x, softSign y) of
+ (Positive, Positive) => y / (x + y)
+ (Negative, Positive) => 2 - y / (-x + y)
+ (Negative, Negative) => 2 - y / (-x - y)
+ (Positive, Negative) => 4 + y / (x - y)
+compareLocations : (Vector 2 Double, a) -> (Vector 2 Double, a) -> Ordering
+compareLocations (v0, _) (v1, _) = compare (circleToLine v0) (circleToLine v1)
+||| Helper for mergeIntervals, for the case where either `snd (head intervals)
+||| ==` is Nothing or we've seen the end of the first interval.
+||| TODO: Prove it's total.
+mergeAfterFirstInterval :
+ Eq b =>
+ a -> Maybe (a, b) -> List ((a, a), b) -> List1 (a, Maybe b) ->
+ List ((a, a), b)
+mergeAfterFirstInterval x Nothing acc ((hx, Nothing) ::: []) =
+ reverse acc
+mergeAfterFirstInterval x (Just (x', v)) acc ((hx, Nothing) ::: []) =
+ ((x, x'), v) :: reverse acc
+mergeAfterFirstInterval x v acc ((hx, Nothing) ::: h :: t) =
+ mergeAfterFirstInterval x v acc (h ::: t)
+mergeAfterFirstInterval x v acc ((hx, hv@(Just hvv)) ::: t) =
+ case span (\(_, v') => v' == hv) t of
+ (matches, []) =>
+ case v of
+ Nothing => ((hx, x), hvv) :: reverse acc
+ Just (x', v') =>
+ if v' == hvv
+ then ((hx, x'), hvv) :: reverse acc
+ else ((hx, x), hvv) :: ((x, x'), v') :: reverse acc
+ (matches, h' :: t') =>
+ mergeAfterFirstInterval x v (((hx, fst h'), hvv) :: acc) (h' ::: t')
+||| Helper for mergeIntervals, for the case where `snd (head intervals)` is a
+||| Just, and all the `snd`s we've seen so far are that same value.
+mergeStillInFirstInterval : Eq b =>
+ a -> b -> List (a, Maybe b) ->
+ Either b (List ((a, a), b))
+mergeStillInFirstInterval _ v [] = Left v
+mergeStillInFirstInterval x v (h@(hx, hv) :: t) =
+ if hv == Just v
+ then mergeStillInFirstInterval x v t
+ else Right $ mergeAfterFirstInterval x (Just (hx, v)) [] (h ::: t)
+mergeIntervals : Eq b =>
+ (intervals : List1 (a, Maybe b)) -> Either b (List ((a, a), b))
+mergeIntervals ((x, Nothing) ::: []) = Right []
+mergeIntervals ((x, Nothing) ::: h :: t) =
+ Right $ mergeAfterFirstInterval x Nothing [] (h ::: t)
+mergeIntervals ((x, Just v) ::: t) =
+ mergeStillInFirstInterval x v t
+||| Turn an implicit description of edges along a circle into an explicit one.
+||| Each element b of `boundaries` describes a half-space: the Positive side of
+||| `b` consists of points p where `determinant [b, p]` is positive.
+||| `edgeDirection` says which direction edges point within each combination of
+||| half-space. A Positive edge is any edge from u to v where
+||| `determinant [u, v]` is positive.
+||| For example, if
+||| boundaries = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
+||| then the circle is divided into quadrants like this:
+||| direction of increasing second coordinate
+||| ^
+||| |
+||| -+-
+||| (Negative, Positive) / | \ (Positive, Positive)
+||| / | \
+||| | | |
+||| -+---+---+---> direction of increasing first coordinate
+||| | | |
+||| \ | /
+||| (Negative, Negative) \ | / (Positive, Negative)
+||| -+-
+||| |
+||| where (sign0, sign1) indicates points in that quadrant have sign0 according
+||| to the first boundary, and sign1 according to the second boundary.
+||| Then if
+||| edgeDirection f = if f 0 == Positive && f 1 == Positive then Just Positive else Nothing
+||| we end up with a single edge, from [1, 0] to [0, 1]:
+||| |
+||| |<
+||| | \
+||| | \
+||| | |
+||| -----+-----
+||| |
+||| |
+||| |
+||| |
+||| The return value `AllOneWay s` means the entire circle points in the same
+||| direction. E.g. this can happen if `edgeDirection` is `const (Just s)`.
+||| Currently can't handle edges that go halfway around the circle or more.
+||| (TODO: fix that.)
+export covering
+boundariesToEdges : {n : Nat} ->
+ (edgeDirection : (Fin n -> Sign) -> Maybe Sign) ->
+ (boundaries : Vect n (Vector 2 Double)) ->
+ CircleEdges n
+boundariesToEdges edgeDirection boundaries =
+ let verticesInOrder : List (Fin n, Sign)
+ verticesInOrder =
+ map snd $
+ sortBy compareLocations
+ [ (signAsDouble *^ loc, (i, sign))
+ | (i, loc) <- toList $ zip range boundaries
+ , (sign, signAsDouble) <- [(Positive, 1.0), (Negative, -1.0)]
+ ]
+ -- Which side of the given half-space [1, 0] is on. As a special case,
+ -- it's on the Negative side of [1, 0] and the Positive side of [-1, 0].
+ locationToSide : Vector 2 Double -> Sign
+ locationToSide v =
+ let [x, y] = vectorToVect v in
+ if y == 0
+ then softSign (-x)
+ else softSign (-y)
+ 0 SideAssignment : Type
+ SideAssignment = SizedLinArray n Sign
+ startSideLin : LinearResult SideAssignment
+ startSideLin = fromVect $ map locationToSide boundaries
+ flipSignAt : Fin n -> (1 _ : SideAssignment) -> SideAssignment
+ flipSignAt i assignment =
+ case mread assignment i of
+ sign # assignment' =>
+ write assignment' i $ flipSign sign
+ -- Compute a list of (vertex index, direction in the following segment).
+ computeIntervalsFrom : List ((Fin n, Sign), Maybe Sign) -> (1 assignment : SideAssignment) ->
+ List (Fin n, Sign) -> Res (List ((Fin n, Sign), Maybe Sign)) (const SideAssignment)
+ computeIntervalsFrom acc assignment [] = reverse acc # assignment
+ computeIntervalsFrom acc assignment (h@(hi, _) :: t) =
+ case unsafeFreeze (flipSignAt hi assignment) (\frozenAssignment => edgeDirection (read frozenAssignment)) of
+ theEdgeDirection # assignment' =>
+ computeIntervalsFrom
+ ((h, theEdgeDirection) :: acc)
+ assignment'
+ t
+ in
+ startSideLin $
+ \startSide =>
+ case unsafeFreeze startSide (\frozen => edgeDirection (read frozen)) of
+ startEdgeDirection # startSide' =>
+ case computeIntervalsFrom [] startSide' verticesInOrder of
+ intervals # leftoverArray =>
+ let result = case List1.fromList intervals of
+ Nothing =>
+ case startEdgeDirection of
+ Nothing => Edges neutral
+ Just sign => AllOneWay sign
+ Just intervals' =>
+ case mergeIntervals intervals' of
+ Left sign => AllOneWay sign
+ Right merged =>
+ Edges $
+ [ case sign of
+ Positive => (u, v)
+ Negative => (v, u)
+ | ((u, v), sign) <- merged
+ ]
+ in result # leftoverArray
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+++ src/SolidGeometry/CircleTest.idr
+module SolidGeometry.CircleTest
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.List
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import SolidGeometry.Circle
+import SolidGeometry.Sign
+import Test.TestTree
+%default total
+record BoundariesToEdgesTestCase where
+ constructor MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ name : String
+ {numHalfSpaces : Nat}
+ edgeDirection : (Fin numHalfSpaces -> Sign) -> Maybe Sign
+ boundaries : Vect numHalfSpaces (Vector 2 Double)
+ expectedResult : CircleEdges numHalfSpaces
+boundariesToEdgesTestCase : BoundariesToEdgesTestCase -> TestCase
+boundariesToEdgesTestCase testCase =
+ let actualResult : CircleEdges testCase.numHalfSpaces
+ actualResult =
+ boundariesToEdges testCase.edgeDirection testCase.boundaries
+ actualEqualsExpected : Bool
+ actualEqualsExpected =
+ case (actualResult, testCase.expectedResult) of
+ (AllOneWay s0, AllOneWay s1) => s0 == s1
+ (Edges e0, Edges e1) => sort e0 == e1
+ _ => False
+ in
+ MkTestCase $ pure $
+ if actualEqualsExpected
+ then MkSuccess
+ else MkFailure $
+ "Expected: " <+> show testCase.expectedResult <+>
+ "; actual: " <+> show actualResult
+empty : BoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+empty =
+ MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ { name = "empty"
+ , edgeDirection = const Nothing
+ , boundaries = []
+ , expectedResult = Edges neutral
+ }
+emptyOneWay : BoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+emptyOneWay =
+ MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ { name = "empty, one way"
+ , edgeDirection = const (Just Positive)
+ , boundaries = []
+ , expectedResult = AllOneWay Positive
+ }
+nonEmptyOneWay : BoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+nonEmptyOneWay =
+ MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ { name = "non-empty, one way"
+ , edgeDirection = const (Just Negative)
+ , boundaries = [[1, 0], [0, -1], [1, -1]]
+ , expectedResult = AllOneWay Negative
+ }
+quarterEdge : Double -> Sign -> BoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+quarterEdge startingY sign =
+ let edgeDirection : (Fin 2 -> Sign) -> Maybe Sign
+ edgeDirection f = if f 0 == Positive && f 1 == Negative
+ then Just sign
+ else Nothing
+ expectedEdges : List ((Fin 2, Sign), (Fin 2, Sign))
+ expectedEdges =
+ case sign of
+ Positive => [((0, Positive), (1, Positive))]
+ Negative => [((1, Positive), (0, Positive))]
+ in
+ MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ { name = "one quarter-circle edge; start at [1, " <+> show startingY <+>
+ "]; sign: " <+> show sign
+ , edgeDirection = edgeDirection
+ , boundaries = [[1, startingY], [0, 1]]
+ , expectedResult = Edges expectedEdges
+ }
+edgeTo10 : BoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+edgeTo10 =
+ let edgeDirection : (Fin 2 -> Sign) -> Maybe Sign
+ edgeDirection f = if f 0 == Negative && f 1 == Negative
+ then Just Positive
+ else Nothing
+ expectedEdges : List ((Fin 2, Sign), (Fin 2, Sign))
+ expectedEdges = [((1, Negative), (0, Positive))]
+ in
+ MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ { name = "edge ending at [1, 0]"
+ , edgeDirection = edgeDirection
+ , boundaries = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
+ , expectedResult = Edges expectedEdges
+ }
+edgeThrough10 : BoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+edgeThrough10 =
+ let edgeDirection : (Fin 2 -> Sign) -> Maybe Sign
+ edgeDirection f = if f 0 == Negative && f 1 == Positive
+ then Just Positive
+ else Nothing
+ expectedEdges : List ((Fin 2, Sign), (Fin 2, Sign))
+ expectedEdges = [((1, Positive), (0, Positive))]
+ in
+ MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ { name = "edge through [1, 0]"
+ , edgeDirection = edgeDirection
+ , boundaries = [[1, 1], [1, -1]]
+ , expectedResult = Edges expectedEdges
+ }
+||| [1, 2]
+||| [-1, 1] | [1, 1]
+||| \<-|<-/
+||| \ | /^
+||| \|/ |
+||| ------*---- [2, 1]
+||| ^ /|\
+||| |/ | \
+||| /->|<-\
+manyEdges : BoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+manyEdges =
+ let edgeDirection : (Fin 4 -> Sign) -> Maybe Sign
+ edgeDirection f =
+ case f 0 of
+ Positive =>
+ case f 1 of
+ Positive => Nothing
+ Negative => Just Positive
+ Negative =>
+ case f 1 of
+ Negative => Nothing
+ Positive =>
+ case f 3 of
+ Negative => Just Negative
+ Positive =>
+ case f 2 of
+ Positive => Just Negative
+ Negative => Just Positive
+ expectedEdges : List ((Fin 4, Sign), (Fin 4, Sign))
+ expectedEdges =
+ [ ((0, Positive), (1, Positive))
+ , ((1, Negative), (3, Negative))
+ , ((2, Negative), (0, Negative))
+ , ((2, Negative), (3, Negative))
+ ]
+ in
+ MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ { name = "many edges"
+ , edgeDirection =edgeDirection
+ , boundaries = [[2, 1], [-1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 2]]
+ , expectedResult = Edges expectedEdges
+ }
+||| Two copies of [1, 0] and two copies of [0, 1]. edgeDirection is only
+||| non-Nothing in an imposible case.
+degenerateCubeEdges : BoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+degenerateCubeEdges =
+ let edgeDirection : (Fin 4 -> Sign) -> Maybe Sign
+ edgeDirection f =
+ if map f range == the (Vect 4 Sign) [Positive, Negative, Positive, Negative]
+ then Just Positive
+ else Nothing
+ in
+ MkBoundariesToEdgesTestCase
+ { name = "degenerate case from a cube"
+ , edgeDirection = edgeDirection
+ , boundaries = [[1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]]
+ , expectedResult = Edges neutral
+ }
+export covering
+tests : TestTree
+tests =
+ MkTestGroup "Circle.boundariesToEdges" $ map (MkTestLeaf . boundariesToEdgesTestCase) $
+ [ empty, emptyOneWay, nonEmptyOneWay
+ , edgeTo10, edgeThrough10, manyEdges
+ , degenerateCubeEdges
+ ]
+ ++
+ [ quarterEdge startAtY sign
+ | startAtY <- [-1, 0, 1]
+ , sign <- [Positive, Negative]
+ ]
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blob + 183544b467093f741b546d59ed691e15ec110d04 (mode 644)
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+++ src/SolidGeometry/Construct.idr
+||| Tools for constructing polyhedra out of other polyhedra.
+module SolidGeometry.Construct
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import SolidGeometry.HalfSpace
+import SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+import SolidGeometry.Sign
+%default total
+complement : Polyhedron numPlanes -> Polyhedron numPlanes
+complement = { inside $= (flipSide .) }
+0 finLtLimit : (n : Nat) -> (x : Fin n) -> finToNat x `LT` n
+finLtLimit (S _) FZ = LTESucc LTEZero
+finLtLimit (S n') (FS x') = LTESucc $ finLtLimit n' x'
+||| A faster version of Data.Fin.shift.
+fastShift : (m : Nat) -> Fin n -> Fin (m + n)
+fastShift m x =
+ let xAsNat : Nat
+ xAsNat = finToNat x
+ resultAsNat : Nat
+ resultAsNat = m + xAsNat
+ 0 mPlusSxLteMPlusN : m + S xAsNat `LTE` m + n
+ mPlusSxLteMPlusN = plusLteMonotoneLeft m (S xAsNat) n (finLtLimit n x)
+ 0 resultLtMPlusN : resultAsNat `LT` m + n
+ resultLtMPlusN = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc m xAsNat in mPlusSxLteMPlusN
+ in natToFinLT resultAsNat {prf = resultLtMPlusN}
+0 finToNatToFin : (x : Fin n) -> {prf : finToNat x `LT` n} -> natToFinLT (finToNat x) {prf} = x
+finToNatToFin {prf = LTESucc _} FZ = Refl
+finToNatToFin {n = S n'} {prf = LTESucc prf'} (FS x') =
+ cong FS $ finToNatToFin x' {prf = prf'}
+0 fastShiftByZero : (x : Fin n) -> fastShift 0 x = x
+fastShiftByZero x = finToNatToFin x
+0 lteEqual : (p, p' : x `LTE` y) -> p = p'
+lteEqual {x = Z} LTEZero LTEZero = Refl
+lteEqual {x = S x'} (LTESucc p) (LTESucc p') = cong LTESucc $ lteEqual p p'
+0 natToFinLTSucc : {prf : S x `LT` S n} -> {prf' : x `LT` n} -> natToFinLT (S x) {prf} = FS (natToFinLT x {prf = prf'})
+natToFinLTSucc {prf = LTESucc _} {prf'} = rewrite lteEqual prf' _ in Refl
+0 fastShiftSucc : (m : Nat) -> (x : Fin n) -> fastShift (S m) x = FS (fastShift m x)
+fastShiftSucc m x = natToFinLTSucc
+0 fastShiftIsShift : (m : Nat) -> (x : Fin n) -> fastShift m x = shift m x
+fastShiftIsShift Z x = fastShiftByZero x
+fastShiftIsShift (S m') x =
+ trans (fastShiftSucc m' x) $ cong FS $ fastShiftIsShift m' x
+intersect : {numPlanes0 : Nat} ->
+ Polyhedron numPlanes0 -> Polyhedron numPlanes1 ->
+ Polyhedron (numPlanes0 + numPlanes1)
+intersect polyhedron0 polyhedron1 =
+ let inside : (Fin (numPlanes0 + numPlanes1) -> Sign) -> InOutSide
+ inside planeSides =
+ let planeSides0 : Fin numPlanes0 -> Sign
+ planeSides0 i = planeSides (weakenN numPlanes1 i)
+ planeSides1 : Fin numPlanes1 -> Sign
+ planeSides1 i = planeSides (fastShift numPlanes0 i)
+ in intersectSides
+ (polyhedron0.inside planeSides0)
+ (polyhedron1.inside planeSides1)
+ in
+ MkPolyhedron
+ (polyhedron0.planes ++ polyhedron1.planes)
+ inside
+union : {numPlanes0 : Nat} ->
+ Polyhedron numPlanes0 -> Polyhedron numPlanes1 ->
+ Polyhedron (numPlanes0 + numPlanes1)
+union polyhedron0 polyhedron1 =
+ complement (intersect (complement polyhedron0) (complement polyhedron1))
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blob + f6443f6a2956d2b26daf79e6851fae583a3b0a12 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/SolidGeometry/EdgeNetwork.idr
+module SolidGeometry.EdgeNetwork
+import Data.DefaultMap
+import Data.List
+import Data.So
+import Decidable.Equality -- DecEq Int is needed for Monoid IntMap instance.
+%default total
+record SortedEdge (vertex : Type) {auto vertexOrder : Ord vertex} where
+ constructor MkSortedEdge
+ first, second : vertex
+ {auto 0 sorted : So (first < second)}
+Ord vertex => Show vertex => Show (SortedEdge vertex) where
+ show e = "(" <+> show e.first <+> ", " <+> show e.second <+> ")"
+Ord vertex => Eq (SortedEdge vertex) where
+ MkSortedEdge u0 v0 == MkSortedEdge u1 v1 = u0 == u1 && v0 == v1
+Ord vertex => Ord (SortedEdge vertex) where
+ compare (MkSortedEdge u0 v0) (MkSortedEdge u1 v1) =
+ case compare u0 u1 of
+ LT => LT
+ GT => GT
+ EQ => compare v0 v1
+public export
+IntMap : Type -> Type
+IntMap key = DefaultMap key Int (the Int 0)
+record EdgeNetwork (vertex : Type) {auto vertexOrder : Ord vertex} where
+ constructor MkEdgeNetwork
+ -- The negative of an edge is the edge in the opposite direction.
+ edges : IntMap (SortedEdge vertex)
+Ord vertex => Eq (EdgeNetwork vertex) where
+ MkEdgeNetwork n0 == MkEdgeNetwork n1 = n0 == n1
+Ord vertex => Show vertex => Show (EdgeNetwork vertex) where
+ show (MkEdgeNetwork edges) =
+ let %hint
+ defaultValue : Int
+ defaultValue = 0
+ in show edges
+Ord vertex => Semigroup (EdgeNetwork vertex) where
+ MkEdgeNetwork x <+> MkEdgeNetwork y =
+ let %hint
+ monoidInt : Monoid Int
+ monoidInt = Additive
+ in MkEdgeNetwork (x <+> y)
+Ord vertex => Monoid (EdgeNetwork vertex) where
+ neutral =
+ let %hint
+ monoidInt : Monoid Int
+ monoidInt = Additive
+ in MkEdgeNetwork neutral
+edgeIfSorted : Ord vertex => (u, v : vertex) -> Int -> EdgeNetwork vertex
+edgeIfSorted u v sign =
+ case choose (u < v) of
+ Left _ => MkEdgeNetwork (fromList [(MkSortedEdge u v, sign)])
+ Right _ => neutral
+makeSignedEdge : Ord vertex => (u, v : vertex) -> EdgeNetwork vertex
+makeSignedEdge u v =
+ edgeIfSorted u v 1 <+> edgeIfSorted v u (-1)
+||| Get all edges that are present at least once, in the forward direction.
+getEdgesForward : Ord vertex => EdgeNetwork vertex -> List (vertex, vertex)
+getEdgesForward (MkEdgeNetwork edges) =
+ map (\(MkSortedEdge u v, value) => if value > 0 then (u, v) else (v, u))
+ (toList edges)
+||| Returns an edge with positive weight, or Nothing if the input is empty.
+getAForwardEdge : Ord vertex => EdgeNetwork vertex -> Maybe (vertex, vertex)
+getAForwardEdge =
+ -- TODO: Implement in a way that doesn't require reading the whole map.
+ head' . getEdgesForward
+||| getNeighbours net gives +w to v when (u, v) has weight w in `net`, or equivalently (v, u) has weight -w.
+||| TODO: Store an index so this function doesn't have to scan the whole edge network.
+getNeighbours : Ord vertex => EdgeNetwork vertex -> vertex -> IntMap vertex
+getNeighbours (MkEdgeNetwork edges) u =
+ let %hint
+ monoidInt : Monoid Int
+ monoidInt = Additive
+ in fromList [(v, w) | (MkSortedEdge u' v, w) <- toList edges, u' == u]
+ <+>
+ fromList [(v, -w) | (MkSortedEdge v u', w) <- toList edges, u' == u]
+getForwardNeighbours : Ord vertex => EdgeNetwork vertex -> vertex -> List vertex
+getForwardNeighbours net u =
+ [v | (v, w) <- toList $ getNeighbours net u, w > 0]
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blob + 2602fcdee7c4cd9a33c6418a8efee2ccecd9fc83 (mode 644)
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+++ src/SolidGeometry/HalfSpace.idr
+||| An (affine) half-spaces is a plane where one side is "inside" and the other
+||| is "outside".
+||| For now, this is written just for 3-D geometry, but it could probably be
+||| generalized to higher dimensions.
+module SolidGeometry.HalfSpace
+%default total
+public export
+data InOutSide = Inside | Outside
+Eq InOutSide where
+ Inside == Inside = True
+ Outside == Outside = True
+ _ == _ = False
+Ord InOutSide where
+ compare Inside Inside = EQ
+ compare Inside Outside = LT
+ compare Outside Inside = GT
+ compare Outside Outside = EQ
+Show InOutSide where
+ show Inside = "Inside"
+ show Outside = "Outside"
+flipSide : InOutSide -> InOutSide
+flipSide Inside = Outside
+flipSide Outside = Inside
+intersectSides : InOutSide -> InOutSide -> InOutSide
+intersectSides Inside Inside = Inside
+intersectSides _ _ = Outside
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blob + 37f0fca30fd9adbf1ac88838a40870225147dd4a (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/SolidGeometry/Polygon.idr
+module SolidGeometry.Polygon
+import Control.Monad.Maybe
+import Control.Order.Fold
+import Data.List
+import Data.SortedSet
+import Data.Vect
+import Decidable.Equality
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import SolidGeometry.EdgeNetwork
+import SolidGeometry.PolygonAsPaths
+%default total
+public export
+data Triangle vertex = MkTriangle vertex vertex vertex
+Eq vertex => Eq (Triangle vertex) where
+ (MkTriangle a0 b0 c0) == (MkTriangle a1 b1 c1) =
+ (a0, b0, c0) == (a1, b1, c1)
+Ord vertex => Ord (Triangle vertex) where
+ compare (MkTriangle a0 b0 c0) (MkTriangle a1 b1 c1) =
+ compare (a0, b0, c0) (a1, b1, c1)
+Show vertex => Show (Triangle vertex) where
+ show (MkTriangle a b c) = show (a, b, c)
+-- Permute the vertices so that the triangle's orientation is changed.
+negateTriangle : Triangle vertex -> Triangle vertex
+negateTriangle (MkTriangle a b c) = MkTriangle b a c
+triangleBoundary : Ord vertex => Triangle vertex -> EdgeNetwork vertex
+triangleBoundary (MkTriangle a b c) =
+ concat
+ [makeSignedEdge u v | (u, v) <- the (List _) [(a, b), (b, c), (c, a)]]
+subtractTriangle : Ord vertex =>
+ EdgeNetwork vertex -> Triangle vertex -> EdgeNetwork vertex
+subtractTriangle net triangle =
+ let %hint
+ monoidInt : Monoid Int
+ monoidInt = Additive
+ in net <+> triangleBoundary (negateTriangle triangle)
+maybeToList : Maybe a -> List a
+maybeToList Nothing = []
+maybeToList (Just x) = [x]
+unfoldrM' : Monad m => List a -> (b -> m (Maybe (a, b))) -> b -> m (List a)
+unfoldrM' acc f x =
+ do Just (y, x') <- f x
+ | Nothing => pure (reverse acc)
+ unfoldrM' (y :: acc) f x'
+unfoldrM : Monad m => (b -> m (Maybe (a, b))) -> b -> m (List a)
+unfoldrM = unfoldrM' []
+maybeToMaybeT : Applicative m => Maybe a -> MaybeT m a
+maybeToMaybeT Nothing = nothing
+maybeToMaybeT (Just x) = just x
+parameters (pos : vertex -> Vector 3 Double)
+ isLeftTurn : (vertex, vertex, vertex) -> Bool
+ isLeftTurn (a, b, c) = determinant (vectorsToMatrix $ map pos [a, b, c]) > 0
+ ||| Finds a convex angle in the polygon, i.e. a pair of edges that turns left rather than right.
+ findConvexAngle : PolygonAsPaths vertex -> Maybe (vertex, vertex, vertex)
+ findConvexAngle =
+ -- TODO: Avoid calling allConsecutiveEdgePairs which needs to scan the whole polygon.
+ find isLeftTurn . allConsecutiveEdgePairs
+ ||| a b c must be a counterclockwise triangle. Returns Nothing if d isn't in
+ ||| the triangle a b c. Otherwise returns a number representing the distance
+ ||| from the a-c side to d. This number can be used to compare different
+ ||| `d`s.
+ getBaselineDistanceInTriangle : (a, b, c, d : vertex) -> Maybe Double
+ getBaselineDistanceInTriangle a b c d =
+ do let [aPos, bPos, cPos, dPos] = map pos $ the (Vect 4 vertex) [a, b, c, d]
+ let distanceToAB = cross [aPos, bPos] ^.^ dPos
+ guard (distanceToAB >= 0)
+ -- TODO: I can probably compute one less cross here.
+ let distanceToBC = cross [bPos, cPos] ^.^ dPos
+ guard (distanceToBC >= 0)
+ let distanceToCA = cross [cPos, aPos] ^.^ dPos
+ guard (distanceToCA >= 0)
+ pure distanceToCA
+ -- Find a triangle `t` that can be part of a triangulation of `polygon`.
+ -- Return `t` and the remaining polygon, or return `Nothing` if `polygon`
+ -- is empty.
+ covering
+ takeTriangle : Ord vertex => Show vertex => PolygonAsPaths vertex ->
+ MaybeT (Either String) (Triangle vertex, PolygonAsPaths vertex)
+ takeTriangle polygon =
+ do (a, b, c) <- maybeToMaybeT $ findConvexAngle polygon
+ let verticesExceptABC = SortedSet.toList $ delete a $ delete b $ delete c $ allVertices polygon
+ let verticesInABCByDistanceToAC =
+ do d <- verticesExceptABC
+ distance <- maybeToList $ getBaselineDistanceInTriangle a b c d
+ pure (distance, d)
+ case maximum verticesInABCByDistanceToAC of
+ Nothing => do polygon' <- shortcut polygon a b c
+ pure (MkTriangle a b c, polygon')
+ Just (_, d) => -- Insert a detour from b to d and back.
+ do Just (wasAfterD, wasBeforeD) <-
+ pure (leftmost pos b d [(after, before) | (before, d', after) <- toTriples polygon, d' == d])
+ | Nothing => throwError "takeTriangle: leftmost failed"
+ let polygon' =
+ setNextVertex a b d $
+ setNextVertex b d wasAfterD $
+ setNextVertex wasBeforeD d b $
+ setNextVertex d b c $
+ polygon
+ takeTriangle polygon'
+ ||| Builds the given polygon out of triangles. The edges in the polygon
+ ||| should be oriented the same way as the triangle [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0,
+ ||| 1, 0]. (If all coordinates have the form [x, y, 1], where x is right and
+ ||| y is up, that means counter-clockwise.) The triangles returned will also
+ ||| be oriented that way.
+ export covering
+ triangulate : Ord vertex => Show vertex => EdgeNetwork vertex -> Either String (List (Triangle vertex))
+ triangulate polygonAsNet =
+ do polygonAsPaths <- netToPaths pos polygonAsNet
+ unfoldrM (runMaybeT . takeTriangle) polygonAsPaths
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--- /dev/null
+++ src/SolidGeometry/PolygonAsPaths.idr
+-- Represent the edges of a polygon as a map that says what vertex comes after each edge.
+-- E.g. if the polygon consists of the loops A->B->C->D and E->F->G, that's represented by this mapping:
+-- (A, B) => C
+-- (B, C) => D
+-- (C, D) => A
+-- (D, A) => B
+-- (E, F) => G
+-- (F, G) => E
+-- (G, E) => F
+module SolidGeometry.PolygonAsPaths
+import public Control.Monad.Error.Interface
+import Control.Order.Fold
+import Data.List
+import Data.SortedMap
+import Data.SortedSet
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import SolidGeometry.EdgeNetwork
+%default total
+data PolygonAsPaths vertex = MkPolygonAsPaths (SortedMap (vertex, vertex) vertex)
+Show vertex => Show (PolygonAsPaths vertex) where
+ show (MkPolygonAsPaths m) = show m
+toTriples : PolygonAsPaths vertex -> List (vertex, vertex, vertex)
+toTriples (MkPolygonAsPaths m) = [(u, v, w) | ((u, v), w) <- SortedMap.toList m]
+empty : Ord vertex => PolygonAsPaths vertex
+empty = MkPolygonAsPaths empty
+addNextVertex : PolygonAsPaths vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> Either String (PolygonAsPaths vertex)
+addNextVertex (MkPolygonAsPaths m) u v w =
+ case lookup (u, v) m of
+ Nothing => pure $ MkPolygonAsPaths $ insert (u, v) w m
+ Just _ => Left "Next vertex already assigned"
+setNextVertex : vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> PolygonAsPaths vertex -> PolygonAsPaths vertex
+setNextVertex a b c (MkPolygonAsPaths m) = MkPolygonAsPaths $ insert (a, b) c m
+-- TODO: Make this fast or avoid calling it.
+before : Eq vertex => Show vertex => MonadError String m => PolygonAsPaths vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> m vertex
+before polygon@(MkPolygonAsPaths m) v w =
+ case [u' | ((u', v'), w') <- SortedMap.toList m, v == v', w == w'] of
+ [u] => pure u
+ [] => throwError ("nothing before " <+> show (w, v) <+> " in " <+> show polygon)
+ (_::_::_) => throwError "multiple things come before (polygon is inconsistent)"
+||| shortcut polygon a b c replaces a->b->c with a->c.
+shortcut : Eq vertex => Show vertex => MonadError String m => PolygonAsPaths vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> m (PolygonAsPaths vertex)
+shortcut polygon@(MkPolygonAsPaths m) a b c =
+ do z <- before polygon a b
+ Just d <- pure (lookup (b, c) m)
+ | Nothing => throwError ("shortcut " <+> show (polygon, a, b, c) <+> ": nothing after")
+ -- TODO: Remove the lookup once we're fairly confident in correctness.
+ case lookup (a, b) m of
+ Nothing => throwError "Attempt to shortcut path piece that doesn't exist."
+ Just c' =>
+ if c' /= c
+ then throwError "Attempt to shortcut a path piece that doesn't exist (it goes somewhere else)."
+ else if z == c && d == a
+ then -- The whole triangle was in the polygon. Just delete it.
+ pure $ MkPolygonAsPaths $ delete (c, a) $ delete (b, c) $ delete (a, b) m
+ else if z == c || d == a
+ then throwError "shortcut: inconsistent polygon"
+ else pure $ MkPolygonAsPaths $ insert (a, c) d $ insert (z, a) c $ delete (b, c) $ delete (a, b) m
+allConsecutiveEdgePairs : PolygonAsPaths vertex -> List (vertex, vertex, vertex)
+allConsecutiveEdgePairs (MkPolygonAsPaths m) =
+ [(u, v, w) | ((u, v), w) <- SortedMap.toList m]
+||| Returns the set of all vertices in the polygon. Assumes the polygon is well-formed.
+allVertices : Ord vertex => PolygonAsPaths vertex -> SortedSet vertex
+allVertices (MkPolygonAsPaths m) = fromList [u | ((u, _), _) <- SortedMap.toList m]
+parameters (pos : vertex -> Vector 3 Double)
+ ||| Given an edge (u, v) and v's forward neighbours (out edges), choose the
+ ||| one that makes the tightest "left" turn after the edge (u, v). Returns
+ ||| Nothing if the list is empty.
+ |||
+ ||| A "left" turn is one with the same orientation as [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0],
+ ||| [0, 0, 1]. If the coordinates have the form [x, y, 1] where the x axis
+ ||| points right and the y axis points up, these will be left turns.
+ |||
+ ||| The extra values of type a are ignored, except the one corresponding to
+ ||| the chosen vertex is returned.
+ |||
+ ||| pos u and pos v must not be colinear.
+ export
+ leftmost : {0 a : Type} -> Ord vertex => Ord a => vertex -> vertex -> List (vertex, a) -> Maybe (vertex, a)
+ leftmost {a} u v ws =
+ let uPos : Vector 3 Double
+ uPos = pos u
+ vPos : Vector 3 Double
+ vPos = pos v
+ uv : Vector 3 Double
+ uv = vPos ^-^ uPos
+ leftDirection : Vector 3 Double
+ leftDirection = cross [uPos, vPos]
+ isOnLeft : Vector 3 Double -> Bool
+ isOnLeft w = w ^.^ leftDirection >= 0
+ wsAndPositions : List ((vertex, a), Vector 3 Double)
+ wsAndPositions = [(w, pos (fst w)) | w <- ws]
+ -- Identify the elements of ws which are a left turn rather than a right turn.
+ onLeft : List ((vertex, a), Vector 3 Double)
+ onLeft = filter (isOnLeft . snd) wsAndPositions
+ in
+ let (side, posIfLeft) = if isNil onLeft
+ then (wsAndPositions, -1.0)
+ else (onLeft, 1.0)
+ in
+ let directionOfIncreasingAngle : Vector 3 Double
+ directionOfIncreasingAngle = posIfLeft *^ cross [leftDirection, vPos]
+ sideRanked : List (Double, (vertex, a))
+ sideRanked =
+ [ (directionOfIncreasingAngle ^.^ normalize wPos, w)
+ | (w, wPos) <- side
+ ]
+ in
+ map snd $ minimum sideRanked
+ ||| Helper for takeOneLoop. (u, v) is the next edge to be added.
+ covering
+ finishTakingLoop : Ord vertex => Show vertex => PolygonAsPaths vertex -> EdgeNetwork vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> vertex -> Either String (EdgeNetwork vertex, PolygonAsPaths vertex)
+ finishTakingLoop polygonSoFar net start afterStart u v =
+ do let net' = net <+> makeSignedEdge v u -- Subtract (u, v)
+ False <- pure (v == start)
+ | True =>
+ do polygonSoFar' <- addNextVertex polygonSoFar u v afterStart
+ pure (net', polygonSoFar')
+ (w, ()) <- case leftmost u v [(w', ()) | w' <- getForwardNeighbours net' v] of
+ Nothing => Left ("no next vertex after (" <+> show u <+> ", " <+> show v <+> ") in network " <+> show net')
+ Just w => pure w
+ polygonSoFar' <- addNextVertex polygonSoFar u v w
+ finishTakingLoop polygonSoFar' net' start afterStart v w
+ ||| Returns Right Nothing if the edge network is empty.
+ covering
+ takeOneLoop : Ord vertex => Show vertex => PolygonAsPaths vertex -> EdgeNetwork vertex -> Either String (Maybe (EdgeNetwork vertex, PolygonAsPaths vertex))
+ takeOneLoop polygonSoFar net =
+ case getAForwardEdge net of
+ Nothing => pure Nothing
+ Just (u, v) => case finishTakingLoop polygonSoFar net u v u v of
+ Left e =>
+ Left ("takeOneLoop from " <+> show net <+> ": " <+> e)
+ Right v => Right (Just v)
+ ||| Like netToPaths, but adds to an existing polygon.
+ covering
+ netToPaths' : Ord vertex => Show vertex => PolygonAsPaths vertex -> EdgeNetwork vertex -> Either String (PolygonAsPaths vertex)
+ netToPaths' polygonSoFar net =
+ do Just (net', polygonSoFar') <- takeOneLoop polygonSoFar net
+ | Nothing => pure polygonSoFar
+ netToPaths' polygonSoFar' net'
+ ||| Convert an EdgeNetwork representation of a ploygon to a PolygonAsPaths. Returns Right _ if successful. Fails with an error message if an edge is present more than once in the input, or if the input isn't made of loops.
+ export covering
+ netToPaths : Ord vertex => Show vertex => EdgeNetwork vertex -> Either String (PolygonAsPaths vertex)
+ netToPaths net =
+ case netToPaths' empty net of
+ Left e => Left ("netToPaths " <+> show net <+> ": " <+> e)
+ Right x => Right x
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blob + be5929f32a1c4ef0531c77ac5c66d035a06070b4 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/SolidGeometry/PolygonTest.idr
+module SolidGeometry.PolygonTest
+import Data.Fin
+import Data.List
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import SolidGeometry.EdgeNetwork
+import SolidGeometry.Polygon
+import Test.TestTree
+%default total
+canonicalizeTriangle : Ord vertex => Triangle vertex -> Triangle vertex
+canonicalizeTriangle (MkTriangle a b c) =
+ if a <= b
+ then if a <= c
+ then MkTriangle a b c
+ else MkTriangle c a b
+ else if b <= c
+ then MkTriangle b c a
+ else MkTriangle c a b
+canonicalizeTriangles : Ord vertex => List (Triangle vertex) -> List (Triangle vertex)
+canonicalizeTriangles = sort . map canonicalizeTriangle
+record TriangulationTestCase where
+ constructor MkTriangulationTestCase
+ name : String
+ {numPoints : Nat}
+ -- TODO: Add test cases using the full 3D coordinate space.
+ points : Vect numPoints (Vector 2 Double)
+ edges : List (Fin numPoints, Fin numPoints)
+ correctCanonicalTriangulations : List (List (Triangle (Fin numPoints)))
+triangulationTestCase : TriangulationTestCase -> TestCase
+triangulationTestCase testCase =
+ let vertex : Type
+ vertex = Fin testCase.numPoints
+ pos : vertex -> Vector 3 Double
+ pos i = vectToVector $ vectorToVect (index i testCase.points) ++ [1]
+ edges : EdgeNetwork vertex
+ edges = concat [makeSignedEdge u v | (u, v) <- testCase.edges]
+ result : TestResult
+ result =
+ case triangulate pos edges of
+ Left error => MkFailure $ "triangulate returned error: " <+> error
+ Right triangles =>
+ if elem (canonicalizeTriangles triangles) testCase.correctCanonicalTriangulations
+ then MkSuccess
+ else MkFailure $ "Bad triangulation: " <+> show triangles
+ in MkTestCase (pure result)
+-- 3<-2
+-- | ^
+-- v |
+-- 0->1
+square : TriangulationTestCase
+square =
+ let vertex : Type
+ vertex = Fin 4
+ correctAnswers : List (List (Triangle vertex))
+ correctAnswers =
+ [ [MkTriangle 0 1 2, MkTriangle 0 2 3]
+ , [MkTriangle 0 1 3, MkTriangle 1 2 3]
+ ]
+ in
+ MkTriangulationTestCase
+ { name = "triangulate a square"
+ , points = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]]
+ , edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)]
+ , correctCanonicalTriangulations = correctAnswers
+ }
+-- 3<-----2
+-- | ^
+-- | 5->6 |
+-- | ^ | |
+-- | | v |
+-- | 4<-7 |
+-- v |
+-- 0----->1
+loop : TriangulationTestCase
+loop =
+ let vertex : Type
+ vertex = Fin 8
+ correctAnswers : List (List (Triangle vertex))
+ correctAnswers =
+ do south <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 0 1 4, MkTriangle 1 7 4]
+ , [MkTriangle 0 1 7, MkTriangle 0 7 4]
+ ]
+ east <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 1 2 7, MkTriangle 2 6 7]
+ , [MkTriangle 1 2 6, MkTriangle 1 6 7]
+ ]
+ north <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 2 3 6, MkTriangle 3 5 6]
+ , [MkTriangle 2 3 5, MkTriangle 2 5 6]
+ ]
+ west <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 0 4 3, MkTriangle 3 4 5]
+ , [MkTriangle 0 4 5, MkTriangle 0 5 3]
+ ]
+ pure $ canonicalizeTriangles (south <+> east <+> north <+> west)
+ in
+ MkTriangulationTestCase
+ { name = "triangulate a square loop"
+ , points = [[-2, -2], [2, -2], [2, 2], [-2, 2], [-1, -1], [-1, 1], [1, 1], [1, -1]]
+ , edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 4)]
+ , correctCanonicalTriangulations = correctAnswers
+ }
+-- Similar to loop, but with different coordinates and with the vertices given in a different order (indices 5 and 7 are) swapped.
+anotherLoop : TriangulationTestCase
+anotherLoop =
+ let vertex : Type
+ vertex = Fin 8
+ correctAnswers : List (List (Triangle vertex))
+ correctAnswers =
+ do south <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 0 1 4, MkTriangle 1 5 4]
+ , [MkTriangle 0 1 5, MkTriangle 0 5 4]
+ ]
+ east <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 1 2 5, MkTriangle 2 6 5]
+ , [MkTriangle 1 2 6, MkTriangle 1 6 5]
+ ]
+ north <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 2 3 6, MkTriangle 3 7 6]
+ , [MkTriangle 2 3 7, MkTriangle 2 7 6]
+ ]
+ west <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 0 4 3, MkTriangle 3 4 7]
+ , [MkTriangle 0 4 7, MkTriangle 0 7 3]
+ ]
+ pure $ canonicalizeTriangles (south <+> east <+> north <+> west)
+ in
+ MkTriangulationTestCase
+ { name = "triangulate a square loop"
+ , points = [ [0, 0.3], [0.1, 0.3], [0.1, 0.4], [0, 0.4]
+ , [0.025, 0.325], [0.075, 0.325], [0.075, 0.375], [0.025, 0.375]
+ ]
+ , edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0), (4, 7), (7, 6), (6, 5), (5, 4)]
+ , correctCanonicalTriangulations = correctAnswers
+ }
+-- Same as loop, but with a little island at the very middle:
+-- 11<-10
+-- | ^
+-- v |
+-- 8->9
+loopWithIsland : TriangulationTestCase
+loopWithIsland =
+ let vertex : Type
+ vertex = Fin 12
+ correctAnswers : List (List (Triangle vertex))
+ correctAnswers =
+ do south <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 0 1 4, MkTriangle 1 7 4]
+ , [MkTriangle 0 1 7, MkTriangle 0 7 4]
+ ]
+ east <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 1 2 7, MkTriangle 2 6 7]
+ , [MkTriangle 1 2 6, MkTriangle 1 6 7]
+ ]
+ north <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 2 3 6, MkTriangle 3 5 6]
+ , [MkTriangle 2 3 5, MkTriangle 2 5 6]
+ ]
+ west <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 0 4 3, MkTriangle 3 4 5]
+ , [MkTriangle 0 4 5, MkTriangle 0 5 3]
+ ]
+ island <-
+ [ [MkTriangle 8 9 10, MkTriangle 8 10 11]
+ , [MkTriangle 8 9 11, MkTriangle 9 10 11]
+ ]
+ pure $ canonicalizeTriangles (south <+> east <+> north <+> west <+> island)
+ in
+ MkTriangulationTestCase
+ { name = "triangulate a square loop with an island"
+ , points = [ [-2, -2], [2, -2], [2, 2], [-2, 2]
+ , [-1, -1], [-1, 1], [1, 1], [1, -1]
+ , [-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]
+ ]
+ , edges = [ (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)
+ , (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 4)
+ , (8, 9), (9, 10), (10, 11), (11, 8)
+ ]
+ , correctCanonicalTriangulations = correctAnswers
+ }
+export covering
+tests : TestTree
+tests =
+ MkTestGroup "Polygon.trangulate" $ map (MkTestLeaf . triangulationTestCase)
+ [ square
+ , loop
+ , anotherLoop
+ , loopWithIsland
+ ]
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blob + 409a6ad58c44ca7b36a383df9614500e1ad5bb84 (mode 644)
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+++ src/SolidGeometry/Polyhedron.idr
+module SolidGeometry.Polyhedron
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.List
+import Data.SortedMap
+import Data.Vect
+import Math.LinearAlgebra
+import Math.LinearAlgebra.Normalized
+import SolidGeometry.Circle
+import SolidGeometry.EdgeNetwork
+import SolidGeometry.HalfSpace
+import SolidGeometry.Polygon
+import SolidGeometry.Sign
+%default total
+||| A polyhedron is defined by a list of half-spaces and a function saying
+||| whether a point is inside or outside the polyhedron, given which side of
+||| each half-space it's on.
+public export
+record Polyhedron (numPlanes : Nat) where
+ constructor MkPolyhedron
+ ||| Each plane is defined by a linear map from the 2-sphere in R^3 to the
+ ||| 3-sphere in R^4. (We don't actually require the matrix to preserve
+ ||| norms.)
+ |||
+ ||| The normal vector of a plane is the cross product of its rows. Another
+ ||| point is on the "Positive side" of the plane iff its dot product with
+ ||| that normal vector is positive.
+ planes : Vect numPlanes (Matrix 3 4 Double)
+ ||| Given knowledge of which side of each plane a point is on, determines
+ ||| whether the point is inside this polyhedron.
+ |||
+ ||| For example, if this polyhedron is the intersection of the positive sides
+ ||| of all the planes, this function should return Inside iff the input is
+ ||| all Positive.
+ inside : (Fin numPlanes -> Sign) -> InOutSide
+||| A side of one of the half-spaces used to define a polyhedron.
+public export
+record FaceId (numPlanes : Nat) where
+ constructor MkFaceId
+ ||| Index into the planes field of the original Polyhedron.
+ planeIndex : Fin numPlanes
+ ||| Positive iff the "outside" of this face is the positive side of that
+ ||| plane.
+ outside : Sign
+Show (FaceId numPlanes) where
+ show face = show (face.planeIndex, face.outside)
+||| Coordinates of a vertex of the polyhedron.
+||| TODO: Rethink adjustment of coordinates. Normalizing them to magnitude 1
+||| probably isn't the right solution because I expect that will mess up
+||| interpolation, e.g. making textures look weird (though I haven't confirmed
+||| this). Probably a better approach would be to normalize so that
+||| faceCoordinates have the form [x,y,+/-1] whenever possible; if we then use
+||| x and y for texture coordinates then everything will make sense.
+public export
+record VertexCoordinates where
+ constructor MkVertexCoordinates
+ ||| The vertex's position on the 3-sphere.
+ absolute : Normalized (Vector 4 Double)
+ ||| The vertex's position in the face's coordinate space.
+ faceCoordinates : Normalized (Vector 3 Double)
+Show VertexCoordinates where
+ show vc = fastConcat
+ [ "MkVertexCoordinates { absolute = "
+ , show vc.absolute
+ , ", faceCoordinates = "
+ , show vc.faceCoordinates
+ , " }"
+ ]
+||| A way to triangulate a single face of a Polyhedron. The "face" might not be
+||| connected. Really this is all the faces that come from a particular side of
+||| a particular one of the half-spaces used to define the polyhedron.
+public export
+record TriangulatedFace (numPlanes : Nat) where
+ constructor MkTriangulatedFace
+ faceId : FaceId numPlanes
+ {0 numVertices : Nat}
+ ||| For each vertex: its position on the 3-sphere, and its position in the
+ ||| parameter space of the face.
+ vertices : Vect numVertices VertexCoordinates
+ triangles : List (Triangle (Fin numVertices))
+emptyPolyhedron : Polyhedron 0
+emptyPolyhedron = MkPolyhedron {planes = Nil, inside = const Outside}
+faceIsEmpty : TriangulatedFace n -> Bool
+faceIsEmpty f = null f.triangles
+data IsNonZero : (0 n : Nat) -> Type where
+ IsSuccessorOf : (0 predecessor : Nat) -> IsNonZero (S predecessor)
+finImpliesNonZero : Fin n -> IsNonZero n
+finImpliesNonZero FZ = IsSuccessorOf _
+finImpliesNonZero (FS _) = IsSuccessorOf _
+reverseListToVect' : (n0 : Nat) -> Vect n0 a -> List a -> (n1 : Nat ** Vect n1 a)
+reverseListToVect' n0 acc [] = (n0 ** acc)
+reverseListToVect' n0 acc (h :: t) = reverseListToVect' (S n0) (h :: acc) t
+reverseListToVect : List a -> (n : Nat ** Vect n a)
+reverseListToVect = reverseListToVect' 0 []
+mapToVect : SortedMap key value -> (n : Nat ** Vect n (key, value))
+mapToVect = reverseListToVect . toList
+vectToIndexMap' : Fin (S n0) -> SortedMap a (Fin (n0 + n1)) -> Vect n1 a -> SortedMap a (Fin (n0 + n1))
+vectToIndexMap' _ acc [] = acc
+vectToIndexMap' {n1 = S n1'} nextIndex acc (h :: t) =
+ let eq : (S n0 + n1' = n0 + S n1')
+ in
+ rewrite sym eq in
+ vectToIndexMap'
+ (FS nextIndex)
+ (insert h (weakenN n1' nextIndex) (rewrite eq in acc))
+ t
+vectToIndexMap : Ord a => Vect n a -> SortedMap a (Fin n)
+vectToIndexMap = vectToIndexMap' {n0=Z} FZ empty
+||| Given a nonzero vector, returns a vector that's not colinear with it.
+notColinear : Abs a => Ord a => {n : Nat} -> Vector (S (S n)) a -> Vector (S (S n)) a
+notColinear v =
+ let (a :: b :: t) = vectorToVect v in
+ vectToVector $
+ if abs a >= abs b
+ then 0 :: 1 :: replicate _ 0
+ else 1 :: 0 :: replicate _ 0
+||| Given a normal vector v, returns a matrix m such that v is a positive
+||| scalar times the cross product of the rows of m.
+implicitToParameterized : Abs a => Neg a => Ord a => Vector 3 a -> Matrix 2 3 a
+implicitToParameterized v =
+ let start : Vector 3 a
+ start = notColinear v
+ x : Vector 3 a
+ x = cross [start, v]
+ y : Vector 3 a
+ y = cross [v, x]
+ in vectorsToMatrix [x, y]
+||| Given a plane P1 and an implicitly-defined plane P2, returns a
+||| parameterized representation of the circle where they intersect, both on
+||| the 3-sphere and in P1's parameter space.
+||| The resulting circle will be oriented as follows. If [a, b] are the rows of
+||| the first matrix returned and c is the normal vector of P2, Then the dot
+||| product of cross [a, b, c] and the cross product of the rows of P1's matrix
+||| will be positive.
+intersectPlanes : Abs a => Neg a => Ord a => Matrix 3 4 a -> Vector 4 a -> (Matrix 2 4 a, Matrix 2 3 a)
+intersectPlanes p1 p2 =
+ let intersectionInP1ParameterSpace : Matrix 2 3 a
+ intersectionInP1ParameterSpace = implicitToParameterized (p1 !*^ p2)
+ in (intersectionInP1ParameterSpace !*! p1, intersectionInP1ParameterSpace)
+||| Convert a `Fin n` value to a `Fin (S n)` value by skipping a particular
+||| value (`skip`) in the range.
+skipFin : Fin (S n) -> Fin n -> Fin (S n)
+skipFin skip x =
+ let x' : Fin (S n)
+ x' = weaken x
+ in if x' < skip then x' else FS x
+data OrderingWithProof : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
+ LTProof : (0 prf : x `LT` y) -> OrderingWithProof x y
+ EQProof : (0 prf : x = y) -> OrderingWithProof x y
+ GTProof : (0 prf : x `GT` y) -> OrderingWithProof x y
+0 sucPred : (n : Nat) -> m `LT` n -> S (pred n) = n
+sucPred (S n) (LTESucc _) = Refl
+0 ltToLT : (x, y : Nat) -> LT = compare x y -> x `LT` y
+ltToLT Z (S _) _ = LTESucc LTEZero
+ltToLT (S x') (S y') eq = LTESucc $ ltToLT x' y' eq
+0 eqToEQ : (x, y : Nat) -> EQ = compare x y -> x = y
+eqToEQ Z Z _ = Refl
+eqToEQ (S x') (S y') eq = cong S $ eqToEQ x' y' eq
+0 gtToGT : (x, y : Nat) -> GT = compare x y -> x `GT` y
+gtToGT Z Z _ impossible
+gtToGT Z (S _) _ impossible
+gtToGT (S _) Z _ = LTESucc LTEZero
+gtToGT (S x') (S y') eq = LTESucc $ gtToGT x' y' eq
+compareWithProof' : (x, y : Nat) -> (o : Ordering) -> (o = compare x y) -> OrderingWithProof x y
+compareWithProof' x y LT e = LTProof $ ltToLT x y e
+compareWithProof' x y EQ e = EQProof $ eqToEQ x y e
+compareWithProof' x y GT e = GTProof $ gtToGT x y e
+compareWithProof : (x, y : Nat) -> OrderingWithProof x y
+compareWithProof x y = compareWithProof' x y (compare x y) Refl
+0 finToNatLTE : (n : Nat) -> (x : Fin (S n)) -> finToNat x `LTE` n
+finToNatLTE _ FZ = LTEZero
+finToNatLTE (S n') (FS x') = LTESucc $ finToNatLTE n' x'
+||| The opposite of `skipFin`. Convert a `Fin (S n)` value to a `Fin n` value
+||| by skipping a particular element of the domain (`skipped`). If the input is
+||| `skipped` itself, return `Nothing`.
+unskipFin : (skipped : Fin (S n)) -> Fin (S n) -> Maybe (Fin n)
+unskipFin skipped x =
+ let xNat : Nat
+ xNat = finToNat x
+ 0 xLteN : xNat `LTE` n
+ xLteN = finToNatLTE n x
+ in case compareWithProof (finToNat skipped) xNat of
+ LTProof lt =>
+ let 0 sucPredX : (S (pred xNat) = xNat)
+ sucPredX = sucPred xNat lt
+ 0 predXLtN : (pred xNat) `LT` n
+ predXLtN = rewrite sucPredX in xLteN
+ in Just $ natToFinLT (pred xNat) {prf=predXLtN}
+ EQProof _ => Nothing
+ GTProof xLtSkipped =>
+ let 0 skippedLteN : finToNat skipped `LTE` n
+ skippedLteN = finToNatLTE n skipped
+ 0 xLtN : xNat `LT` n
+ xLtN = transitive xLtSkipped skippedLteN
+ in Just $ natToFinLT xNat {prf=xLtN}
+sequenceLazy' : Monad f => List a -> List (Lazy (f a)) -> f (List a)
+sequenceLazy' acc [] = pure $ reverse acc
+sequenceLazy' acc (h :: t) =
+ do x <- h
+ sequenceLazy' (x :: acc) t
+sequenceLazy : Monad f => List (Lazy (f a)) -> f (List a)
+sequenceLazy = sequenceLazy' []
+perturbPolyhedron : {numPlanes : Nat} -> Polyhedron numPlanes -> Polyhedron numPlanes
+perturbPolyhedron polyhedron =
+ let eps : Double
+ eps = 0.0001
+ perturbation : Double -> Matrix 3 4 Double
+ perturbation i =
+ let v : Vect 4 Double
+ -- Awful hack. Arbitrary numbers.
+ v = [eps, 1.37 * eps, i / cast numPlanes * eps, 0.92 * eps]
+ in vectsToMatrix (replicate 3 v)
+ in { planes :=
+ [ p !+! perturbation (cast $ finToNat i)
+ | (i, p) <- zip range polyhedron.planes
+ ]
+ }
+ polyhedron
+export partial
+triangulate : {numPlanes : Nat} -> (polyhedron : Polyhedron numPlanes) -> Either String (List (TriangulatedFace numPlanes))
+triangulate {numPlanes = Z} _ = pure []
+triangulate {numPlanes = numPlanes@(S numOtherPlanes)} originalPolyhedron =
+ let -- Perturb originalPolyhedron to avoid degenerate cases.
+ polyhedron : Polyhedron numPlanes
+ polyhedron = perturbPolyhedron originalPolyhedron
+ planeNormals : Vect numPlanes (Vector 4 Double)
+ planeNormals = map (cross . matrixToVectors) polyhedron.planes
+ partial
+ triangulateFace :
+ FaceId numPlanes ->
+ Either String (TriangulatedFace numPlanes)
+ triangulateFace faceId =
+ let 0 OtherPlaneIndex : Type
+ OtherPlaneIndex = Fin numOtherPlanes
+ ||| An intersection of two other planes with the plane of this
+ ||| face. Swapping the indices gives the opposite vertex.
+ 0 Vertex : Type
+ Vertex = (OtherPlaneIndex, OtherPlaneIndex)
+ ||| A point on the plane corresponding to this face is on the
+ ||| face itself if the faceId.outside side of this plane is
+ ||| Outside the polyhedron and the other side of this plane is
+ ||| Inside.
+ isOnFace : (Fin numOtherPlanes -> Sign) -> Bool
+ isOnFace f =
+ let insertMySide : Sign -> Fin numPlanes -> Sign
+ insertMySide sign planeIndex =
+ case unskipFin faceId.planeIndex planeIndex of
+ Nothing => sign
+ Just otherPlaneIndex => f otherPlaneIndex
+ in
+ polyhedron.inside (insertMySide faceId.outside) == Outside &&
+ polyhedron.inside (insertMySide (flipSign faceId.outside)) == Inside
+ thisPlane : Matrix 3 4 Double
+ thisPlane =
+ index faceId.planeIndex polyhedron.planes
+ otherPlaneNormals : Vect numOtherPlanes (Vector 4 Double)
+ otherPlaneNormals = deleteAt faceId.planeIndex planeNormals
+ ||| Given the index of another plane, returns the edges of this
+ ||| face where it meets that other plane. Also fills in the
+ ||| locations of any vertices that got used.
+ edgesFromOtherPlane :
+ {numOtherPlanes' : Nat} ->
+ {auto 0 isNumOtherPlanes : numOtherPlanes' = numOtherPlanes} ->
+ Fin numOtherPlanes' ->
+ State (SortedMap Vertex VertexCoordinates) (List (Vertex, Vertex))
+ edgesFromOtherPlane {numOtherPlanes'} otherPlaneIndex with (finImpliesNonZero otherPlaneIndex)
+ edgesFromOtherPlane {numOtherPlanes' = S numThirdPlanes} otherPlaneIndex | IsSuccessorOf numThirdPlanes =
+ let (line3d, line2d) =
+ intersectPlanes
+ thisPlane $ index otherPlaneIndex $
+ rewrite isNumOtherPlanes in
+ otherPlaneNormals
+ in
+ let thirdPlaneToOtherPlaneIndex : Fin numThirdPlanes -> Fin numOtherPlanes
+ thirdPlaneToOtherPlaneIndex =
+ rewrite sym isNumOtherPlanes in skipFin otherPlaneIndex
+ thirdPlaneNormals : Vect numThirdPlanes (Vector 4 Double)
+ thirdPlaneNormals =
+ deleteAt otherPlaneIndex $
+ rewrite isNumOtherPlanes in otherPlaneNormals
+ -- Intersections of these two planes with other planes, in
+ -- line3d's (and line2d's) parameter space.
+ intersections : Vect numThirdPlanes (Vector 2 Double)
+ intersections = [negateVector $ cross [line3d !*^ thirdPlane] | thirdPlane <- thirdPlaneNormals]
+ edgeDirection : (Fin numThirdPlanes -> Sign) -> Maybe Sign
+ edgeDirection f =
+ let insertMySide : Sign -> Fin numOtherPlanes -> Sign
+ insertMySide sign planeIndex =
+ case unskipFin otherPlaneIndex (rewrite isNumOtherPlanes in planeIndex) of
+ Nothing => sign
+ Just thirdPlaneIndex => f thirdPlaneIndex
+ in
+ case (isOnFace (insertMySide Positive), isOnFace (insertMySide Negative)) of
+ (False, True) => Just Positive
+ (True, False) => Just Negative
+ _ => Nothing
+ in
+ case boundariesToEdges edgeDirection intersections of
+ -- TODO: handle the AllOneWay case.
+ Edges edges =>
+ let otherPlaneIndex' : Fin numOtherPlanes
+ otherPlaneIndex' =
+ rewrite sym isNumOtherPlanes in otherPlaneIndex
+ storeVertexLocation :
+ (Fin numThirdPlanes, Sign) -> Vertex ->
+ State (SortedMap Vertex VertexCoordinates) ()
+ storeVertexLocation (i, sign) vertex =
+ do old <- gets (lookup vertex)
+ case old of
+ Just _ => pure ()
+ Nothing =>
+ let unsignedPointOnCircle : Vector 2 Double
+ -- TODO: Use an array to avoid costly lookup.
+ unsignedPointOnCircle = index i intersections
+ pointOnCircle : Vector 2 Double
+ pointOnCircle =
+ case sign of
+ Positive => unsignedPointOnCircle
+ Negative => negateVector unsignedPointOnCircle
+ in
+ modify $ insert vertex $
+ MkVertexCoordinates
+ { absolute = makeNormalized (pointOnCircle ^*! line3d)
+ , faceCoordinates = makeNormalized (pointOnCircle ^*! line2d)
+ }
+ convertVertex : (Fin numThirdPlanes, Sign) -> Vertex
+ convertVertex (index, sign) =
+ let index' : Fin numOtherPlanes
+ index' = thirdPlaneToOtherPlaneIndex index
+ in
+ case sign of
+ Positive => (otherPlaneIndex', index')
+ Negative => (index', otherPlaneIndex')
+ in
+ sequence
+ [ let u' : Vertex
+ u' = convertVertex u
+ v' : Vertex
+ v' = convertVertex v
+ in
+ do storeVertexLocation u u'
+ storeVertexLocation v v'
+ pure (u', v')
+ | (u, v) <- edges
+ ]
+ edgesFromAllOtherPlanes :
+ State (SortedMap Vertex VertexCoordinates) (List (Vertex, Vertex))
+ edgesFromAllOtherPlanes = map concat $ sequence $ map edgesFromOtherPlane range
+ positionsAndEdges : ( SortedMap Vertex VertexCoordinates
+ , List (Vertex, Vertex)
+ )
+ positionsAndEdges = runState empty edgesFromAllOtherPlanes
+ in
+ let (positions, edges) = positionsAndEdges in
+ let (numUsedVertices ** usedVertices) = mapToVect positions in
+ let vertexPositions : Vect numUsedVertices VertexCoordinates
+ vertexPositions = map snd usedVertices
+ vertexToFaceCoordinates : Fin numUsedVertices -> Vector 3 Double
+ vertexToFaceCoordinates i =
+ fromNormalized (index i vertexPositions).faceCoordinates
+ vertexToIndexMap : SortedMap Vertex (Fin numUsedVertices)
+ vertexToIndexMap = vectToIndexMap (map fst usedVertices)
+ partial
+ vertexToIndex : Vertex -> Fin numUsedVertices
+ vertexToIndex v = case lookup v vertexToIndexMap of Just i => i
+ edgeNetwork : EdgeNetwork (Fin numUsedVertices)
+ edgeNetwork = concat [makeSignedEdge (vertexToIndex u) (vertexToIndex v) | (u, v) <- edges]
+ in
+ do triangles <-
+ mapFst
+ ( \err =>
+ fastConcat
+ [ "face ", show faceId
+ , " with vertices ", show usedVertices
+ , ": ", err
+ ]
+ )
+ (Polygon.triangulate vertexToFaceCoordinates edgeNetwork)
+ pure $
+ MkTriangulatedFace
+ { faceId = faceId
+ , vertices = vertexPositions
+ , triangles = triangles
+ }
+ in do triangulatedFaces <-
+ sequenceLazy [ delay $ triangulateFace (MkFaceId i s)
+ | i <- toList range, s <- [Positive, Negative]
+ ]
+ pure $ filter (not . faceIsEmpty) $ triangulatedFaces
blob - /dev/null
blob + 718abb83019daa67ba416e77f6a015be6416b771 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/SolidGeometry/Sign.idr
+module SolidGeometry.Sign
+%default total
+public export
+data Sign = Negative | Positive
+Eq Sign where
+ Negative == Negative = True
+ Positive == Positive = True
+ _ == _ = False
+Ord Sign where
+ compare Negative Negative = EQ
+ compare Negative Positive = LT
+ compare Positive Negative = GT
+ compare Positive Positive = EQ
+Show Sign where
+ show Negative = "Negative"
+ show Positive = "Positive"
+flipSign : Sign -> Sign
+flipSign Positive = Negative
+flipSign Negative = Positive
+softSign : Double -> Sign
+softSign x = if x >= 0 then Positive else Negative
blob - /dev/null
blob + 1dcf7dfbcf9c0e2a660ce5601ceecfd3258a3cee (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/Test/TestTree.idr
+module Test.TestTree
+%default total
+public export
+data TestResult = MkSuccess | MkFailure String
+public export
+record TestCase where
+ constructor MkTestCase
+ name : String
+ run : IO TestResult
+runTestCase : TestCase -> IO TestResult
+runTestCase testCase =
+ do putStrLn $ "Running test case: " <+>
+ result <-
+ case result of
+ MkSuccess => putStrLn "Success"
+ MkFailure message => putStrLn $ "Failure: " <+> message
+ pure result
+public export
+data TestTree = MkTestLeaf TestCase | MkTestGroup String (List TestTree)
+ -- Helper. We can't just call use sequence . map runTestTree in runTestTree because the compiler wouldn't be able to tell runTestTree is total.
+ runTestTrees : List TestResult -> List TestTree -> IO (List TestResult)
+ runTestTrees acc [] = pure $ reverse acc
+ runTestTrees acc (tree :: trees) =
+ do result <- runTestTree tree
+ runTestTrees (result :: acc) trees
+ export
+ runTestTree : TestTree -> IO TestResult
+ runTestTree (MkTestLeaf testCase) = runTestCase testCase
+ runTestTree (MkTestGroup name subTrees) =
+ let resultToNumFailures : TestResult -> Nat
+ resultToNumFailures MkSuccess = 0
+ resultToNumFailures (MkFailure _) = 1
+ in
+ do putStrLn $ "Starting test group: " <+> name
+ results <- runTestTrees [] subTrees
+ let numFailures = sum $ map resultToNumFailures results
+ putStrLn $
+ "Test group finished: " <+> name <+> ". " <+>
+ show numFailures <+> "/" <+> show (length results) <+>
+ " failed."
+ pure $
+ if numFailures == 0
+ then MkSuccess
+ else MkFailure name
blob - /dev/null
blob + 1d11170cf07a0c4840e89654cbe975a8bc5e84a0 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/TestMain.idr
+module TestMain
+import Math.LinearAlgebraTest
+import SolidGeometry.CircleTest
+import SolidGeometry.PolygonTest
+import Test.TestTree
+%default total
+tests : TestTree
+main : IO ()
+main =
+ ignore $
+ runTestTree $
+ MkTestGroup "all tests"
+ [ LinearAlgebraTest.tests
+ , CircleTest.tests
+ , PolygonTest.tests
+ ]